首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Experimental Biology >Exposure to cold but not exercise increases carbon turnover rates in specific tissues of a passerine

Exposure to cold but not exercise increases carbon turnover rates in specific tissues of a passerine


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Carbon turnover differs between tissues within an animal, but the extent to which ecologically relevant increases in metabolism affect carbon turnover rates is largely unknown. We tested the energy expenditure and protein turnover hypotheses that predict increased carbon turnover, either in association with increased daily energy expenditure, or in concert with tissue-specific increased protein metabolism. We used stable-isotope-labeled diets to quantify the rate of carbon turnover in 12 different tissues for three groups of zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata): cold-exposed birds kept at ambient temperatures below their thermoneutral zone, exercised birds that were flown for 2 h per day in a flight arena, and control birds that were kept at ambient temperatures within their thermoneutral zone and that were not exercised. We found that increases in metabolism associated with cold-exposure but not exercise produced measurable increases in carbon turnover rate of, on average, 2.4 +/- 0.3 days for pectoral muscle, gizzard, pancreas and heart, even though daily energy intake was similar for exercised and cold-exposed birds. This evidence does not support the energy expenditure hypothesis, and we invoke two physiological processes related to protein metabolism that can explain these treatment effects: organ mass increase and tissue-specific increase in activity. Such changes in carbon turnover rate associated with cold temperatures translate into substantial variation in the estimated time window for which resource use is estimated and this has important ecological relevance.
机译:动物体内各组织之间的碳转换不同,但是在很大程度上,新陈代谢的生态相关增加影响碳转换率的程度尚不清楚。我们测试了能源消耗和蛋白质周转率假说,这些假说预测了碳交易量的增加,这与每日能量消耗量增加或组织特异性蛋白质代谢增加有关。我们使用稳定同位素标记的饮食来量化三组斑马雀(Taeniopygia guttata)在12种不同组织中的碳转换率:冷暴露的鸟类保持在低于热中性区的环境温度下,运动的鸟类飞行2次每天在飞行舞台上飞行h小时,并控制处于热中性区域内环境温度且未锻炼的家禽。我们发现与冷暴露而不是运动有关的新陈代谢增加导致胸肌,izz,胰腺和心脏的碳周转率平均增加2.4 +/- 0.3天,即使每天的能量摄入与运动和寒冷的鸟类。该证据不支持能量消耗假说,我们调用了与蛋白质代谢有关的两个生理过程来解释这些治疗效果:器官质量增加和组织特异性活动增加。与低温相关的碳周转率的这种变化转化为估计的时间窗的实质性变化,为此估计了资源的使用情况,这具有重要的生态意义。



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