首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Experimental Biology >Evidence for cranial endothermy in the opah (Lampris guttatus)

Evidence for cranial endothermy in the opah (Lampris guttatus)

机译:Opah(Lampris guttatus)颅内吸热的证据

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Cranial endothermy evolved independently in lamnid sharks, billfishes and tunas, and is thought to minimize the effects of ambient temperature change on both vision and neural function during deep dives. The opah, Lampris guttatus, is a large epipelagic-mesopelagic predator that makes repeated dives into cool waters to forage. To determine if L. guttatus exhibits cranial endothermy, we measured cranial temperatures in live, decked fish and identified potential sources of heat and mechanisms to conserve heat. In 40 opah (95.1+/-7.6 cm fork length), the temperature of the tissue behind the eye was elevated by a mean (+/-s.e.m.) of 2.1+/-0.3 degrees C and a maximum of 6.3 degrees C above myotomal muscle temperature (T(m)), used as a proxy for ambient temperature. Cranial temperature varied significantly with T(m) and temperature elevation was greater at lower T(m). The proximal region of the paired lateral rectus extraocular muscle appears to be the primary source of heat. This muscle is the largest extraocular muscle, is adjacent to the optic nerve and brain and is separated from the brain only by a thin layer of bone. The proximal lateral rectus muscle is darker red in color and has a higher citrate synthase activity, indicating a higher capacity for aerobic heat production, than all other extraocular muscles. Furthermore, this muscle has a layer of fat insulating it from the gill cavity and is perfused by a network of arteries and veins that forms a putative counter-current heat exchanger. Taken together, these results support the hypothesis that the opah can maintain elevated cranial temperatures.
机译:颅内吸热在鲨鱼,bill鱼和金枪鱼中独立发展,被认为可以最大程度地降低深潜期间环境温度变化对视觉和神经功能的影响。 Opah Lampris guttatus是大型上表皮-近中生捕食者,可反复潜入凉水中觅食。为了确定L. guttatus是否表现出颅内吸热,我们测量了活的带甲板鱼的颅内温度,并确定了潜在的热源和保存热量的机制。在40 opah(叉长为95.1 +/- 7.6 cm)中,眼睛后面组织的温度平均升高(+/- sem)2.1 +/- 0.3摄氏度,最高升高至6.3摄氏度。肌肉温度(T(m)),用作环境温度的代表。颅骨温度随T(m)显着变化,而较低T(m)的温度升高更大。成对的外侧直肌眼外肌的近端区域似乎是主要的热源。该肌肉是最大的眼外肌,与视神经和大脑相邻,仅与大脑分开一层薄薄的骨骼。与所有其他眼外肌相比,近端外侧直肌的颜色为深红色,并且具有较高的柠檬酸合酶活性,表明产生有氧热的能力更高。此外,该肌肉有一层脂肪使其与from腔绝缘,并被形成假定的逆流热交换器的动脉和静脉网络灌注。综上所述,这些结果支持了卵石可以维持较高颅温的假说。



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