首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Experimental Biology >Maximum metabolic rate, relative lift, wingbeat frequency and stroke amplitude during tethered flight in the adult locust Locusta migratoria.

Maximum metabolic rate, relative lift, wingbeat frequency and stroke amplitude during tethered flight in the adult locust Locusta migratoria.

机译:在成年蝗虫Locusta migratoria的系留飞行中,最大代谢率,相对升力,机翼频率和中风幅度。

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Flying insects achieve the highest mass-specific aerobic metabolic rates of all animals. However, few studies attempt to maximise the metabolic cost of flight and so many estimates could be sub-maximal, especially where insects have been tethered. To address this issue, oxygen consumption was measured during tethered flight in adult locusts Locusta migratoria, some of which had a weight attached to each wing (totalling 30-45% of body mass). Mass-specific metabolic rate increased from 28+or-2 micro mol O2 g-1 h-1 at rest to 896+or-101 micro mol O2 g-1 h-1 during flight in weighted locusts, and to 1032+or-69 micro mol O2 g-1 h-1 in unweighted locusts. Maximum metabolic rate of locusts during tethered flight (MmO2; micro mol O2 h-1) increased with body mass (Mb; g) according to the allometric equation, MmO2=994Mb0.75+or-0.19, whereas published metabolic rates of moths and orchid bees during hovering free flight (MhO2) are approximately 2.8-fold higher, MhO2=2767Mb0.72+or-0.08. The modest flight metabolic rate of locusts is unlikely to be an artefact of individuals failing to exert themselves, because mean maximum lift was not significantly different from that required to support body mass (95+or-8%), mean wingbeat frequency was 23.7+or-0.6 Hz, and mean stroke amplitude was 105+or-5 deg in the forewing and 96+or-5 deg in the hindwing - all of which are close to free-flight values. Instead, the low cost of flight could reflect the relatively small size and relatively modest anatomical power density of the locust flight motor, which is a likely evolutionary trade-off between flight muscle maintenance costs and aerial performance.
机译:飞行昆虫可达到所有动物中最高的特定质量有氧代谢率。但是,很少有研究试图使飞行的新陈代谢成本最大化,因此许多估算可能是次最大的,尤其是在昆虫被束缚的情况下。为了解决这个问题,在成年蝗虫Locusta migratoria的系留飞行中测量了耗氧量,其中一些蝗虫的重量附着在每个机翼上(总计30-45%的体重)。质量特异性代谢率从静止时的28+或-2 micro mol O 2 g -1 h -1 增加到896+或-在称重蝗虫飞行过程中产生101 micro mol O 2 g -1 h -1 ,达到1032+或-69 micro mol O 2 g -1 h -1 。拴系飞行中蝗虫的最大代谢率(Mm O2 ; micro mol O 2 h -1 )随着体重(M b ; g)根据等速方程Mm O2 = 994M b 0.75 + or-0.19 ,而公布的代谢率自由飞行(Mh O2 )期间蛾和兰花蜂的数量大约高2.8倍,Mh O2 = 2767M b 0.72+或- 0.08。蝗虫的适度飞行代谢率不太可能是无法发挥作用的个体的假象,因为平均最大升力与支撑体重所需的最大升力并没有显着差异(95+或-8%),平均翅膀频率为23.7+或-0.6 Hz,并且平均行程幅度在前翼中为105+或-5度,在后翼中为96+或-5度-所有这些都接近自由飞行值。相反,低廉的飞行成本可能反映了蝗虫飞行电动机的相对较小的尺寸和相对适中的解剖学功率密度,这是飞行肌肉维护成本与飞行性能之间可能的进化折衷。



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