首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Experimental Biology >Disruptive coloration in cuttlefish: a visual perception mechanism that regulates ontogenetic adjustment of skin patterning

Disruptive coloration in cuttlefish: a visual perception mechanism that regulates ontogenetic adjustment of skin patterning


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Among the changeable camouflage patterns of cuttlefish, disruptive patterning is shown in response to certain features of light objects in the visual background. However, whether animals show disruptive patterns is dependent not only on object size but also on their body size. Here, we tested whether cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) are able to match their disruptive body patterning with increasing size of background objects as they grow from hatchling to adult size (0.7 to 19.6 cm mantle length; factor of 28). Specifically, do cuttlefish have a single ;visual sampling rule' that scales accurately during ontogeny? For each of seven size classes of cuttlefish, we created black and white checkerboards whose check sizes corresponded to 4, 12, 40, 120, 400 and 1200% of the area of the cuttlefish's White square, which is a neurophysiologically controlled component of the skin. Disruptive body patterns were evoked when, regardless of animal size, the check size measured either 40 or 120% of the area of the cuttlefish's White square, thus demonstrating a remarkable ontogenetic conformity to a single visual sampling rule. Cuttlefish have no known visual feedback loop with which to adjust their skin patterns. Since the area of a cuttlefish's White square skin component is a function of body size, our results indicate that cuttlefish are solving a visual scaling problem of camouflage presumably without visual confirmation of the size of their own skin component.
机译:在墨鱼的多变迷彩图案中,破坏性图案是对视觉背景中轻物体的某些特征的响应。但是,动物是否表现出破坏性模式不仅取决于物体的大小,还取决于它们的身体大小。在这里,我们测试了乌贼(Sepia officinalis)在从孵化成长为成年大小(0.7到19.6厘米的披风长度; 28倍)时是否能够与破坏性的身体图案相匹配,并且背景物体的尺寸也不断增加。具体而言,墨鱼是否具有在个体发育过程中准确缩放的单一“视觉采样规则”?对于墨鱼的七个尺寸类别,我们分别创建了黑白棋盘格,其棋盘格大小对应于墨鱼白方块面积的4、12、40、120、400和1200%,这是皮肤的神经生理控制成分。当不论动物大小如何,支票尺寸为墨鱼白方块面积的40%或120%时,都会引起破坏性的身体形态,从而证明了单一视觉采样规则具有显着的个体发育一致性。墨鱼没有已知的视觉反馈回路可用来调节其皮肤模式。由于乌贼的白色方形皮肤成分的面积是身体大小的函数,因此我们的结果表明,乌贼在解决视觉伪装的缩放问题时,大概没有视觉确认其自身皮肤成分的大小。



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