首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Experimental Biology >Mechanics and kinematics of backward burrowing by the polychaete Cirriformia moorei

Mechanics and kinematics of backward burrowing by the polychaete Cirriformia moorei

机译:毛CCirriformia moorei向后掘穴的力学和运动学

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The polychaete Cirriformia moorei burrows in muddy sediments by fracture, using its hydrostatic skeleton to expand its anterior region and exert force against its burrow wall to extend a crack. Burrowing occurs in four phases: stretching forward into the burrow, extending the crack anteriorly, thickening the burrowing end to amplify stress at the tip of the crack, and bringing the rest of the body forward as a peristaltic wave travels posteriorly. Here, we show that C. moorei is also able to burrow with its posterior end using a similar mechanism of crack propagation and exhibiting the same four phases of burrowing. Worms burrowed backwards with similar speeds and stress intensity factors as forward burrowing, but were thinner and less blunt and did not slip as far away from the crack tip between cycles of burrowing. The anterior end is more muscular and rigid, and differences in body shapes are consistent with having reduced musculature to dilate the posterior segments while burrowing. Backward burrowing provides a unique opportunity to study the effects of morphology on burrowing mechanics within the same species under identical conditions.
机译:多斑Cirriformia moorei通过裂隙在泥泞的沉积物中钻洞,利用其静水骨架扩展其前部区域,并向其洞穴壁施加力以扩展裂缝。挖洞分为四个阶段:向前伸入挖洞,向前扩展裂缝,加厚挖洞端以扩大裂缝尖端的应力,并随着蠕动波向后传播,使身体的其余部分向前。在这里,我们显示C. moorei也能够使用类似的裂纹扩展机制并在其后端挖洞,并表现出相同的四个挖洞阶段。蠕虫向后挖洞的速度和应力强度因子与向前挖洞相似,但更薄且钝度更低,并且在挖洞周期之间滑移距离裂纹尖端不远。前端更加肌肉发达和僵硬,并且身体形状的差异与挖洞时减少肌肉组织以扩张后段一致。向后穴居提供了一个独特的机会来研究形态对相同物种在相同条件下的穴居力学的影响。



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