首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Experimental Biology >Experimental reduction of ultraviolet wavelengths reflected from parasitic eggs affects rejection behaviour in the blackcap Sylvia atricapilla.

Experimental reduction of ultraviolet wavelengths reflected from parasitic eggs affects rejection behaviour in the blackcap Sylvia atricapilla.


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Hosts of brood parasites use a variety of cues relating to eggshell appearance of parasitic eggs, which facilitate their recognition and rejection. It has been documented that host visual perception of different colours including UV wavelengths plays an important role in this respect. In the study reported here, we aimed to test whether artificial reduction of the UV wavelengths reflected from parasitic eggshell affects rejection behaviour in the blackcap Sylvia atricapilla. To achieve this goal, we experimentally manipulated, with UV, part of spectra reflected from conspecific eggs and reduced it into the range of 320-350 nm. We used an ultraviolet light blocker, which did not influence the reflectance shape of other spectrum parts. We also used a group of experimental eggs coated in Vaseline, which had no effect on the spectral shape in the UV or visible ranges of the light spectrum. Additionally, we used a third experimental group of unmanipulated eggs as a control. The experimental eggs coated in the UV blocker were rejected at a higher rate than those coated in the Vaseline. Moreover, a binary logistic regression revealed that an artificial reduction of the UV wavelengths reflected from the parasitic egg significantly affected the probability of being rejected by the hosts. To our knowledge, this is the first experimental study to reveal that manipulation with UV wavelengths affects the recognition of parasitic eggs, indicating that the UV part of the spectrum has an important role in host recognition behaviour.
机译:巢内寄生虫的宿主使用各种与寄生卵的蛋壳外观有关的线索,从而有助于它们的识别和排斥。已经证明,宿主对包括UV波长在内的不同颜色的视觉感知在这方面起着重要的作用。在这里报告的研究中,我们旨在测试从寄生卵壳反射的紫外线波长的人工减少是否会影响黑帽鸭笼草的拒殖行为。为实现此目标,我们用紫外线对同种卵反射的部分光谱进行了实验性处理,并将其减少到320-350 nm范围内。我们使用了紫外线阻隔剂,它不会影响其他光谱部分的反射率形状。我们还使用了一组涂有凡士林的实验鸡蛋,它们对UV或可见光谱范围内的光谱形状没有影响。此外,我们使用了第三个实验组的未操纵卵作为对照。涂在紫外线阻滞剂中的实验鸡蛋的排斥率高于涂在凡士林中的鸡蛋。此外,二进制逻辑回归分析表明,人为减少寄生虫卵反射的紫外线波长会显着影响被宿主排斥的可能性。据我们所知,这是第一项实验研究,揭示了紫外线波长的操作会影响寄生卵的识别,这表明光谱的紫外线部分在宿主识别行为中具有重要作用。



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