首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Experimental Biology >Acoustic radiation from the head of echolocating harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena)

Acoustic radiation from the head of echolocating harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena)

机译:回声定位海豚(Phocoena phocoena)头部的声辐射

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An experiment was conducted to investigate the sound pressure patterns on the melon of odontocetes by using four broadband hydrophones embedded in suction cups to measure echolocation signals on the surface of the forehead of two harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena). It has long been hypothesized that the special lipids found in the melon of odontocetes, and not in any other mammals, focus sounds produced in the nasal region that then propagate through the melon, producing a beam that is directional in both the horizontal and vertical planes. The results of our measurements supported the melon-focusing hypothesis, with the maximum click amplitude, representing the axis of the echolocation beam, located approximately 5.6-6.1 cm from the edge of the animal's upper lip along the midline of the melon. The focusing is not sharp but is sufficient to produce a transmission beam of about 16 degrees. Click amplitude dropped off rapidly at locations away from the location of site of maximum amplitude. Based on comparisons of forehead anatomy from similar sized porpoises, the beam axis coincided with a pathway extending from the phonic lips through the axis of the low-density/low sound velocity lipid core of the melon. The significant interaction between click number and hydrophone position suggests that the echolocation signals can take slightly different pathways through the melon, probably as a result of how the signals are launched by the production mechanism and the position of the acoustically reflective air sacs.
机译:通过使用嵌入在吸盘中的四个宽带水听器来测量两个港口海豚(Phocoena phocoena)的前额表面上的回声定位信号,进行了一项实验来研究牙ce瓜瓜的声压模式。长期以来一直认为,在齿形突科动物的瓜子中而不是其他任何哺乳动物中发现的特殊脂质会集中在鼻区域产生的声音,然后通过瓜子传播,从而产生在水平和垂直方向上均具有方向性的波束。我们的测量结果支持了以瓜为中心的假说,最大点击幅度代表回声定位光束的轴,该距离位于动物上唇边缘沿瓜中线约5.6-6.1 cm处。聚焦不清晰,但是足以产生大约16度的透射光束。点击幅度在远离最大幅度的位置的位置迅速下降。根据对类似大小的海豚的前额解剖结构的比​​较,波束轴与一条路径相吻合,该路径从发声的嘴唇穿过甜瓜的低密度/低声速脂质核心。点击数和水听器位置之间的显着相互作用表明,回声定位信号可能通过甜瓜的路径略有不同,这可能是信号通过生产机制和声反射气囊的位置发出的结果。



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