首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Physiology >Medullary respiratory neurones and control of laryngeal motoneurones during fictive eupnoea and cough in the cat.

Medullary respiratory neurones and control of laryngeal motoneurones during fictive eupnoea and cough in the cat.


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1. This study addressed the hypothesis that ventrolateral medullary respiratory neurones participate in the control of laryngeal motoneurones during both eupnoea and coughing. 2. Data were obtained from 28 mid-collicular decerebrated, artificially ventilated cats. Cough-like motor patterns (fictive cough) in phrenic, lumbar and recurrent laryngeal nerves were elicited by mechanical stimulation of the intrathoracic trachea. Microelectrode arrays were used to monitor simultaneously several neurones in the ventral respiratory group, including the Botzinger and pre-Botzinger complexes. Spike trains were evaluated for responses during fictive cough and evidence of functional connectivity with spike-triggered averages of efferent recurrent laryngeal nerve activity. 3. Primary features were observed in averages triggered by 94 of 332 (28 %) neurones. An offset biphasic wave with a positive time lag was present in the unrectified average for 10 inspiratory and 13 expiratory neurones. These trigger neurones were respectively identified as inspiratory laryngeal motoneurones with augmenting, decrementing, plateau and "other" discharge patterns, and expiratory laryngeal motoneurones with decrementing firing patterns. 4. Rectified averages triggered by inspiratory neurones included 37 offset peaks, 11 central peaks and one offset trough. Averages triggered by expiratory neurones had 12 offset peaks, six central peaks and four offset troughs. Relationships inferred from these features included premotor actions of inspiratory neurones with augmenting, decrementing, plateau and "other" patterns on inspiratory laryngeal motoneurones, and premotor actions of decrementing and "other" expiratory neurones on expiratory laryngeal motoneurones. Corresponding changes in neuronal firing patterns during fictive cough supported these inferences. 5. The data confirm and extend previous results on the control of laryngeal motoneurones during eupnoea and support the hypothesis that the same premotor neurones help to shape motoneurone firing patterns during both eupnoea and coughing.
机译:1.这项研究提出了一个假设,即腹膜延髓性呼吸神经元在紫癜和咳嗽过程中都参与了对喉运动神经元的控制。 2.数据取自28例中枢去脑人工通气的猫。通过机械刺激胸腔内气管引起,腰和喉返神经的咳嗽样运动型(虚构性咳嗽)。微电极阵列用于同时监测腹侧呼吸组中的多个神经元,包括Botzinger和前Botzinger复合体。评估了尖峰训练对虚构性咳嗽的反应以及功能性连接的证据,并用尖峰触发的传出喉返神经活动平均值进行了功能连接。 3.在332个神经元(28%)中的94个触发的平均值中观察到主要特征。 10个吸气和13个呼气神经元的未矫正平均值中存在具有正时滞的偏移双相波。这些触发神经元分别被识别为具有递增,递减,平稳和“其他”放电模式的吸气性喉神经运动神经元,以及具有递减放电模式的呼气性喉神经运动神经元。 4.由吸气神经元触发的校正平均值包括37个偏移峰,11个中心峰和1个偏移谷。呼气神经元触发的平均值有12个偏移峰,6个中心峰和4个偏移谷。从这些特征推断出的关系包括吸气神经元的运动前动作与吸气喉运动神经元的增高,减量,平稳和“其他”模式,以及呼气喉运动神经元的递减运动和“其他”呼气神经元的运动前动作。虚构性咳嗽期间神经元放电模式的相应变化支持了这些推论。 5.数据证实并扩展了先前在控制紫癜时喉运动神经元的研究结果,并支持相同运动前神经元有助于在紫癜和咳嗽中塑造运动神经元放电模式的假设。



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