
Role of intrathyroidal calcifications detected on ultrasound as a marker of malignancy.


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OBJECTIVES: Clinically palpable thyroid nodules are present in between 4% and 7% of the population, with only a small percentage of those harboring malignancy. Thus, it is important to find a cost-effective way to determine which nodules are more likely to be malignant. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the use of intrathyroidal calcifications detected on ultrasound as a risk factor for malignancy. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective chart review. METHODS: One hundred fifty-nine patients with thyroid disease were included in this study. Patients were selected from a thyroid ultrasound (TUS) database. Charts were then reviewed, and only those patients who had a preoperative TUS and underwent surgery for tissue diagnosis were included. RESULTS: Of the 159 patients, 66 (41.5%) were diagnosed with cancer. Of those with malignancy, 52 (78.8%) had calcifications noted on TUS. Ninety-three of the patients were diagnosed with benign pathology. Of those 93 patients, 36 (38.7%) had TUS findings consistent with calcifications, whereas 57 (61.3%) did not. Statistical analysis using a chi-square test showed a strong association between cancer status and calcification, with P <.001. In our study, calcifications on TUS had a sensitivity of 78.8% and a specificity of 61.3%, with an odds ratio of 5.88. CONCLUSION: The presence of calcifications detected on TUS should alert the physician for the possibility of malignancy, and further work-up should be pursued. This information may be used to improve the sensitivity of other diagnostic tests such as fine needle aspiration biopsies. Given the relatively low sensitivity and specificity of the test, its use alone as a marker of malignancy is limited, but it may be used in combination with other known risk factors and tests to decide on the most appropriate treatment plan.
机译:目的:临床上可触及的甲状腺结节占人口的4%至7%,只有一小部分具有恶性肿瘤。因此,重要的是找到一种经济有效的方法来确定哪些结核更可能是恶性的。这项研究的目的是评估超声检查发现的甲状腺内钙化作为恶性肿瘤的危险因素。研究设计:回顾性图表审查。方法:159例甲状腺疾病患者被纳入本研究。从甲状腺超声(TUS)数据库中选择患者。然后检查图表,仅包括术前TUS并接受手术以进行组织诊断的患者。结果:159例患者中,有66例(41.5%)被诊断出患有癌症。在患有恶性肿瘤的患者中,有52例(78.8%)在TUS上发现了钙化。九十三名患者被诊断为良性病理。在这93例患者中,有36例(38.7%)的TUS表现与钙化相符,而57例(61.3%)没有。使用卡方检验的统计分析显示癌症状态与钙化之间有很强的关联,P <.001。在我们的研究中,TUS的钙化敏感性为78.8%,特异性为61.3%,比值比为5.88。结论:在TUS上检测到钙化应提醒医师注意恶性肿瘤的可能性,并应进行进一步的检查。此信息可用于提高其他诊断测试(例如细针穿刺活检)的敏感性。由于测试的敏感性和特异性相对较低,因此仅将其单独用作恶性肿瘤的标志是有限的,但可以将其与其他已知的危险因素和测试结合使用以决定最合适的治疗方案。



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