
Myringotomized mice develop myringosclerosis in the pars flaccida and not in the pars tensa.


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The development of myringosclerosis has been correlated with increased production of oxygen-derived free radicals. For the present study, we used a null mutant mouse lacking extracellular superoxide dismutase to test the hypothesis that increased production of free radicals can cause the development of myringosclerosis. Null mutant mice and wild-type, control mice were myringotomized and kept in ambient air for 3 weeks. Both groups developed myringosclerosis in the pars flaccida, but not in the pars tensa. The sclerotic lesions were visible in both the light and the electron microscope but not in the otomicroscope. In particular, the localization of the sclerotic deposits was found beneath both the inner and outer epidermal epithelium. No difference concerning the extent or number of sclerotic lesions between the null mutant and the wild-type mice could be distinguished.
机译:动脉粥样硬化的发展与氧衍生自由基的产生增加有关。对于本研究,我们使用了缺少细胞外超氧化物歧化酶的无效突变小鼠来测试以下假设:自由基产生的增加会导致硬化症的发展。将零突变的小鼠和野生型对照小鼠进行子宫切开术,并在环境空气中放置3周。两组均在flaccida而不是pars tensa患上了神经硬化症。硬化病变在光镜和电子显微镜中均可见,而在耳镜中则不可见。特别地,在内部和外部表皮上皮下都发现了硬化沉积物的定位。在无效突变体和野生型小鼠之间,关于硬化性病变的程度或数量没有区别。



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