首页> 外文期刊>The Lancet infectious diseases >Eye examination for early diagnosis of disseminated tuberculosis in patients with AIDS

Eye examination for early diagnosis of disseminated tuberculosis in patients with AIDS


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Choroidal tuberculosis is present in 5-20% of patients with disseminated tuberculosis, and point-of-care dilated binocular indirect ophthalmoscopy eye examination can provide immediate diagnosis. In geographical areas of high tuberculosis prevalence and in susceptible patients (CD4 counts less than 200 cells per mu L) detection of choroidal granulomas should be accepted as evidence of disseminated tuberculosis. With training and proper support, eye screening can be done by HIV/AIDS clinicians, allowing early tuberculosis treatment. In regions with a high burden of tuberculosis, we recommend that eye screening be a standard part of the initial assessment of susceptible patients, including at a minimum all patients with HIV/AIDS with CD4 less than 100 cells per mu L with or without eye symptoms, and with or without suspicion of disseminated tuberculosis.
机译:脉络膜结核存在于5-20%的播散性结核患者中,并且即时点扩张双眼间接检眼镜检查可以提供即时诊断。在结核病高发地区和易感患者(CD4计数低于每亩200个细胞)中,脉络膜肉芽肿的检测应被视为结核传播的证据。在培训和适当的支持下,HIV / AIDS临床医生可以进行眼部检查,从而可以早期进行结核病治疗。在结核病高负担的地区,我们建议将眼部检查作为易感患者的初始评估的标准部分,包括至少所有HIV / AIDS患者的CD4浓度低于每μL100个细胞而有或没有眼部症状,或怀疑是否患有播散性结核病。



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