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Exploring the neural correlates of delusions of reference.


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BACKGROUND: Referential delusions are the most common symptom of schizophrenia and offer an opportunity to examine the neural correlates of delusions because they occur in discrete episodes that can be studied in the scanner. The cortical midline structures (CMS) and subcortical regions, including the amygdala and striatum, are linked with self-reference in healthy adults. Less is known about the neural substrates of altered self-reference in schizophrenia. METHODS: In this study, patients with schizophrenia experiencing prominent referential delusions (n = 18) and healthy control subjects (n = 17) were presented with ambiguous sentences while in the magnetic resonance imaging scanner and asked to rate whether they felt the sentences had been written specifically about them. The sentences were either generic (nonpersonalized) or individually tailored personalized sentences, designed to induce referential ideation. We hypothesized that both groups would show activity in the CMS, limbic, and striatal regions and that induced referential ideation would be associated with greater activity in striatal areas in patients with schizophrenia. RESULTS: A robust main effect of endorsement (endorsed vs. nonendorsed) was observed in the CMS, as well as subcortical regions, including the nucleus accumbens/ventral striatum, amygdala, insula, and midbrain dopamine regions. A group-by-endorsement interaction was seen in the medial prefrontal cortex, insula and nucleus accumbens/ventral striatum. Activity in insula and ventral striatum also correlated with the strength of the delusions of reference. CONCLUSIONS: Referential ideation in persons with delusions is associated with heightened CMS, limbic and striatal activity and reduced differentiation between self- and non-self-relevant information.
机译:背景:参照性妄想是精神分裂症的最常见症状,并且为检查妄想的神经相关性提供了机会,因为它们发生在可以在扫描仪中研究的离散发作中。在健康成年人中,皮质中线结构(CMS)和皮质下区域(包括杏仁核和纹状体)与自我参照有关。关于精神分裂症中自我参照改变的神经底物知之甚少。方法:在这项研究中,在磁共振成像扫描仪中,出现显着的参照妄想的精神分裂症患者(n = 18)和健康对照者(n = 17)出现了模棱两可的句子,并要求他们评估他们是否觉得这些句子是专门写关于他们。这些句子既可以是通用的(非个性化的),也可以是量身定制的个性化句子,旨在引起参考构想。我们假设两组在精神分裂症患者的CMS,边缘区和纹状体区域均显示活性,并且诱导参考意念与纹状体区域中较大的活性相关。结果:在CMS以及皮层下区域(包括伏隔核/腹侧纹状体,杏仁核,岛状和中脑多巴胺区域)观察到了强烈的认可(认可与非认可)主要效果。在内侧前额叶皮层,岛状和伏隔核/腹侧纹状体中观察到逐组交互作用。岛状和腹侧纹状体中的活动也与参考妄想的强度相关。结论:妄想症患者的参照构想与CMS升高,边缘和纹状体活动增加以及自我和非自我相关信息之间的区分减少有关。



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