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Ethical reappraisal of 15 years of cord-blood transplantation.


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Since the first successful use of cord blood as source of haemopoietic stem cells for transplantation in 1988, more than 2000 patients with malignant or non-malignant disorders have been treated with this procedure. Collection and storage of cord blood has prompted ethical considerations, mainly dealing with the issues of autonomy in making decisions about donation of cord blood, and of privacy and confidentiality in the tests required before use of placental cells for transplantation. The ethical implications of possible storage of cord-blood cells for autologous use has also been discussed. Preimplantation selection of HLA-matched embryos to obtain a donor of cells for cord-blood transplantation of a sibling with a life-threatening disease has raised the issue of the extent to which this approach complies with the principles of bioethics.
机译:自从1988年首次成功地使用脐带血作为造血干细胞进行移植以来,已经用这种方法治疗了2000多名患有恶性或非恶性疾病的患者。脐带血的收集和储存已经引起了伦理学的考虑,主要是在决定是否捐献脐带血以及在使用胎盘细胞进行移植之前需要进行的检查中的隐私权和机密性等自主权问题上。还讨论了可能存储脐带血细胞用于自体的伦理意义。 HLA匹配胚胎的植入前选择,以获得用于供生命危险疾病的兄弟姐妹进行脐带血移植的细胞供体,已经提出了这种方法在多大程度上符合生物伦理原则的问题。



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