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Effect of B vitamins and genetics on success of in-vitro fertilisation.


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In their prospective cohort study (May 6, p 1513),P Haggarty and colleagues conclude that women likely to have a successful pregnancy via in-vitro fertilisation (IVF) should be encouraged to exercise caution whenusing folic acid supplements because of an associated higher incidence of twin births. The risks related to multiple pregnancies are well known2 and there is a growing consensus that twins are a suboptimum outcome of IVF treatment which should be avoided.3Haggarty and colleagues report that 89% of the study population received two embryos and 2% received three. Many European centres are now doing single embryo transfer in more than 50% of cases, and report vastly reduced twin pregnancy rates while maintaining satisfactory pregnancy rates. However, in most countries, multiple embryo transfer remains standard practice. If the problem of multiple pregnancy in IVF is to be properly addressed, opinion leaders need to emphasise that the solution lies in transferring a single embryo, and not in manipulating nutritional supplements.Moreover, generating a "fear of folate" could have detrimental effects on fertility treatment outcomes. Besides the well known importance of folic acid supplementation in preventing several congenital abnormalities, it might also improve gamete quality and increase conception rates in subfertile couples.5
机译:在他们的前瞻性队列研究中(5月6日,第1513页),P Haggarty及其同事得出结论,应鼓励可能通过体外受精(IVF)成功怀孕的妇女在使用叶酸补充剂时谨慎行事,因为其发生率较高。双胞胎。多胎妊娠的风险是众所周知的2,并且越来越多的人认为双胞胎是IVF治疗的次优结果,应该避免。3Haggarty及其同事报告说,研究人群中有89%接受了两个胚胎,而2%接受了三个胚胎。现在,许多欧洲中心在超过50%的病例中进行单胎移植,并报告双胎妊娠率大大降低,同时维持令人满意的妊娠率。但是,在大多数国家,多次胚胎移植仍然是标准做法。如果要正确解决试管婴儿多胎妊娠的问题,舆论领袖必须强调解决办法在于转移单个胚胎,而不是操纵营养补品。此外,产生“对叶酸的恐惧”可能会对胎儿产生不利影响。生育治疗的结果。除了众所周知的补充叶酸对预防多种先天性异常的重要性外,它还可以改善配子质量并提高不育夫妇的受孕率。5



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