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Designer drug Subutex takes its toll in Tbilisi. data/*supply & distribution

机译:设计师药物Subutex在第比利斯丧命。数据/ *供应与分配

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The south Caucasus state of Georgia is battling a sharp rise in drug addiction that has been linked to an influx of Subutex, a designer drug smuggled from western Europe. Tom Parfitt reports from Tbilisi.Crushed on pavements, tossed by the road, or in the corners of apartment-block entrance halls, the used syringes tell a story of rising addiction. The needles seen across Tbilisi, the capital of former Soviet Georgia, are discarded by addicts of Subutex, a treatment for opiate abuse that has ironically become the country's most popular new drug.Manufactured in the UK, Subutex pills are available on doctor's prescription in more than 30 countries worldwidje-including most of western Europe-as a supervised treatment for heroin withdrawal. Subutex contains buprenorphine-a synthetic opiate like methadone-that prompts a mild euphoria, and has been credited with a 79% decrease in overdose deaths from opioids in France during the past decade. But instead of being used to curb withdrawal, thousands of pills are being snapped up by so-called doctor shoppers, in countries where the drug is legal, who then sell them on to the black market.The pills are illegal in Georgia but first started appearing on the streets about 4 years ago. They are smuggled into the country by used-car dealers who sell them on at home for a huge mark up. Drug addicts then dissolve and inject the Subutex, often in dangerous cocktails with tranquillisers andantihistamines.
机译:高加索州南部的佐治亚州正与吸毒成瘾的急剧增加作斗争,这与从西欧走私的名牌药物Subutex的涌入有关。汤姆·帕菲特(Tom Parfitt)从第比利斯报道:用过的注射器被压在人行道上,被路边扔掉或在公寓楼入口大厅的拐角处,讲述了成瘾加剧的故事。 Subutex的成瘾者Subutex的成瘾者丢弃了横跨第比利斯(第比利斯)的针头,Subutex是一种鸦片滥用疗法,具有讽刺意味的是已成为该国最受欢迎的新药.Subutex药丸可在医生的处方下在英国制造。世界上有30多个国家(包括西欧大部分地区)被视为对海洛因戒断的监督治疗。 Subutex含有丁丙诺啡-一种类似于美沙酮的合成阿片制剂-会引起轻度欣快感,在过去十年中,法国因阿片类药物引起的过量服用死亡减少了79%。但是在药物合法的国家,成千上万的药没有被用来遏制撤药,而是被所谓的医生购物者抢购了,然后将药卖到黑市。大约4年前出现在街头。二手车经销商将它们偷运到该国,然后在家里以高价出售。吸毒者然后将Subutex溶解并注射,通常与镇静剂和抗组胺药混合在危险的鸡尾酒中。



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