
Wolbachia-induced parthenogenesis


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Arrhenotoky is the means by which wasps and bees (Hymenoptera) reproduce sexually. With arrhenotoky males normally develop from unfertilized (haploid) eggs and females from fertilized (diploid) eggs. In contrast, thelytoky is parthenogenetic development in Hymenoptera in which females arise from unfertilized eggs. Its incidence in Hymenoptera is substantial. Many hymenopteran taxa have species that manifest thelytoky, while in a few cases, whole taxa manifest it cyclically (e.g. Cynipidae). For some time elevated temperatures have been known to induce production of males in some thelytokous species. We used such males and arrhenotokous females of wasp species, Trichogramma pretiosum and T. deion, to show that thelytoky is not a mendelian inheritedtrait (Stouthamer et al. 1990). Thus, extra-chromosomal inheritance was suspected. Feeding antibiotics to infected wasps induced production of male offspring and identified Wolbachia as the bacterium involved (Rousset et al. 1992, Stouthamer et al. 1993). Parthenogenesis from Wolbachia infection has now been verified in more than 30 species (Luck et al. 1992, Stouthamer 1997).
机译:心律不齐是黄蜂和蜜蜂(膜翅目)有性繁殖的手段。患有腹泻的雄性通常从未受精的卵(单倍体)发育,雌性从受精的卵(二倍体)发育。相比之下,食管动物是膜翅目中的孤雌生殖发育,其中雌性来自未受精卵。它在膜翅目中的发病率很高。许多膜翅类生物群具有可表现出鞘菌性的物种,而在少数情况下,整个类群可周期性地表现出鞘菌性(例如Cynipidae)。一段时间以来,人们已经知道升高的温度会导致某些thelytokous物种中雄性的产生。我们使用了黄蜂物种Trichogramma pretiosum和T. deion的这种雄性和无性雌性,来证明该lytoky不是孟德尔的遗传特征(Stouthamer等,1990)。因此,怀疑是染色体外遗传。向受感染的黄蜂喂食抗生素可诱导雄性后代的生产,并确定沃尔巴氏菌是所涉及的细菌(Rousset等,1992; Stouthamer等,1993)。现在已经在30多个物种中验证了由Wolbachia感染引起的孤雌生殖(Luck et al.1992,Stouthamer 1997)。



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