首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Reproduction and Development >Fertility after artificial insemination using a soybean-based semen extender in sheep

Fertility after artificial insemination using a soybean-based semen extender in sheep


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The present study aimed to compare the fertility of ewes intrauterinally inseminated with frozen-thawed semen using a soybean-based semen extender (AndroMed) with those of ewes intrauterinally inseminated with frozen-thawed semen using a Tris-based extender containing either egg yolk or BSA. Suffolk ewes (n=104) were treated with an intravaginal sponge containing 40 mg fluoroprogesterone acetate (FGA) for 12 days and an intramuscular injection of 500 IU equine chorionic gonadotropin to induce estrus and ovulation during the non-breeding season (July, 2007). Intrauterine insemination was carried out 40-46 h after removal of the FGA sponge (n=90), regardless of the incidence of estrus. The pregnancy rates were not significantly different among the semen extenders containing egg yolk (64.5%) or BSA (58.6%) and AndroMed extender (56.7%). The lambing rates (64.5, 55.2 and 56.7% for the semen extenders containing egg yolk, BSA and AndroMed, respectively) and prolificacy (1.59 to 1.75) were also not significantly different. The present results indicate that an egg yolk-containing semen extender can be replaced with the non-animal derived extender AndroMed, which could be used for intrauterine insemination using frozen-thawed ram semen without reducing fertility.
机译:本研究旨在比较使用大豆精液增量剂(AndroMed)进行冷冻解冻精液子宫内授精的母羊的生育力与使用含蛋黄或BSA的Tris增量剂进行宫内冷冻解冻精液授精的母羊的受精率。 。萨福克母羊(n = 104)用含有40 mg醋酸氟孕酮(FGA)的阴道海绵处理12天,并在非繁殖季节肌肉注射500 IU马绒毛膜促性腺激素诱导发情和排卵(2007年7月) 。不管发情的发生率,在取出FGA海绵后(n = 90)40-46 h进行宫内授精。含有卵黄(64.5%)或BSA(58.6%)和AndroMed补充剂(56.7%)的精液补充剂的妊娠率没有显着差异。产卵率(含蛋黄,BSA和AndroMed的精液补充剂的产羔率分别为64.5、55.2和56.7%)和繁殖力(1.59至1.75)也没有显着差异。目前的结果表明,含蛋黄的精液补充剂可以用非动物来源的补充剂AndroMed代替,它可用于使用冷冻融化的公羊精液进行宫内授精而不会降低生育力。



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