首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Reproduction and Development >Isolation of granulated metrial gland cells, a uterine form of natural killer cell, by magnetic immunobeads/particles

Isolation of granulated metrial gland cells, a uterine form of natural killer cell, by magnetic immunobeads/particles


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Significant numbers of cells known by the name granulated metrial gland (GMG) cells, or uterine natural killer (NK) cells, are present in the murine uterus only during pregnancy. The functions of GMG cells remain incompletely defined, largely due to technical difficulties in isolating and culturing these cells. New methods for purifying large numbers of GMG cells are required. This study examined two methods for isolating GMG cells from the murine pregnant uterus based upon magnetic immunobeads and immunoparticles. By either approach, the yield of GMG cells was 1 X 10~4 cells/metrial gland. Isolations using immunobeads gave cell suspensions with 82% in purity and 70% in viability. Isolations using immunoparticles gave cell suspensions with 62% in purity and 67% in viability. GMG cells isolated by the magnetic method retained an ultrastructure similar to in vivo GMG cells. These results establish that immunomagnetic approaches are useful for isolation of GMG cells from the pregnant murine uterus.
机译:仅在怀孕期间,在鼠子宫中存在大量被称为粒状子宫腺(GMG)细胞或子宫自然杀伤(NK)细胞的细胞。 GMG细胞的功能仍未完全定义,这主要是由于分离和培养这些细胞的技术困难。需要用于纯化大量GMG细胞的新方法。这项研究检查了两种基于磁性免疫珠和免疫颗粒从鼠怀孕子宫分离GMG细胞的方法。通过这两种方法,GMG细胞的产量均为1 X 10〜4细胞/子宫腺。使用免疫珠分离得到的细胞悬液的纯度为82%,活力为70%。使用免疫颗粒分离得到的细胞悬液的纯度为62%,生存力为67%。通过磁性方法分离的GMG细胞保留了与体内GMG细胞相似的超微结构。这些结果表明,免疫磁方法可用于从怀孕的鼠子宫分离GMG细胞。



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