首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Reproduction and Development >Synchronization Using PGF(2 alpha), and Estradiol With or Without GnRH for Timed Artificial Insemination in Dairy Cows

Synchronization Using PGF(2 alpha), and Estradiol With or Without GnRH for Timed Artificial Insemination in Dairy Cows

机译:PGF(2 alpha)和雌二醇与有或没有GnRH同步进行定时人工授精的奶牛。

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This study examined the use of PGF(2 alpha) and estradiol benzoate (EB) either with or without GnRH to synchronize estrus in dairy cows for timed artificial insemination (TAI) under field conditions. First, Holstein dairy cows with a corpus luteum (CL) received 500 mu g cloprostenol and were then randomly allocated to three groups: no further treatment (control, n=236); treatment with 1 mg EB 56 h after cloprostenol (EB group, n=339); or treatment with 1 mg EB 56 h after cloprostenol followed by treatment with 100 mu g gonadorelin 24 h later (EB + GnRH group, n=216). All cows received TAI 80 h after the cloprostenol injection. In a second experiment, Holstein dairy cows with a CL received 500 mu g cloprostenol and were then randomly allocated to two groups: treatment with 2 mg EB 36 h later (EB group, n=284) or treatment with 2 mg EB 36 h after cloprostenol followed by 100 mu g gonadorelin 24 h later (EB + GnRH group, n=229). All cows received TAI 24 h after the EB injection. Logistic analyses revealed that the odds ratio for the probability of pregnancy when 1 mg EB was administered 56 h following cloprostenol was 1.9 and 2.0 times (P<0.001) higher in the EB (39.5%) and EB + GnRH groups (40.7%), respectively, compared with the control group (25.8%). However, pregnancy rates in cows receiving 2 mg EB 24 h following cloprostenol showed no difference compared with cows treated with EB only (32.4%) or with EB + GnRH (35.8%). These results indicate that a synchronization protocol comprising PGF(2 alpha) and EB could be used for TAI in dairy herds under field conditions.
机译:这项研究检查了在田间条件下使用PGF(2α)和雌二醇苯甲酸酯(EB)或不使用GnRH来同步奶牛发情,以便进行定时人工授精(TAI)。首先,将具有黄体(CL)的荷斯坦奶牛接受500μg氯前列腺素,然后随机分为三组:不作进一步治疗(对照组,n = 236);氯前列醇后56小时用1 mg EB治疗(EB组,n = 339);或在氯前列醇后56小时用1 mg EB治疗,然后在24小时后用100μg促性腺激素治疗(EB + GnRH组,n = 216)。注射氯前列腺素后80小时所有母牛接受TAI。在第二个实验中,带CL的荷斯坦奶牛接受了500μg氯前列腺素,然后随机分为两组:36 h后2 mg EB治疗(EB组,n = 284)或36 h后2 mg EB治疗氯前列醇随后24小时后加入100μg促性腺激素(EB + GnRH组,n = 229)。 EB注射后24小时,所有母牛接受TAI。 Logistic分析显示,在EB(39.5%)和EB + GnRH组(40.7%)中,在使用氯前列腺素后56 h给予1 mg EB时,怀孕概率的比值比分别高1.9和2.0倍(P <0.001),与对照组相比(分别为25.8%)。但是,与仅接受EB(32.4%)或接受EB + GnRH(35.8%)治疗的母牛相比,在接受氯前列腺素后24小时接受2 mg EB的母牛的妊娠率没有差异。这些结果表明,在田间条件下,包含PGF(2 alpha)和EB的同步协议可用于TAI。



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