首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Reproduction and Development >Effects of exposure to nanoparticle-rich diesel exhaust on pregnancy in rats.

Effects of exposure to nanoparticle-rich diesel exhaust on pregnancy in rats.


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Pollutants from burning of diesel fuel are hazardous to human health. Nanoparticles in diesel exhaust potentially have profound impact on fetal development and maternal endocrine function during pregnancy due to their ability to penetrate deeply into the body. To investigate the effects of nanoparticle-rich diesel exhaust (NR-DE) on pregnancy, pregnant rats were exposed to NR-DE, filtered diesel exhaust (F-DE) or clean air for 19 days of gestation. Relative weights of maternal liver and spleen to body weight were significantly lower in the NR-DE and F-DE groups than those in the control group. The serum concentration of maternal progesterone was significantly lower, while those of luteinizing hormone (LH) and corticosterone were significantly higher in the NR-DE and F-DE groups than those in the control group. The serum concentration of estradiol-17 beta was significantly higher in the F-DE group than that in the control group. The levels of cytochrome P450 side-chain cleavage enzyme, 3 beta -hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase and LH receptor mRNA in the corpus luteum were significantly lower in the NR-DE and F-DE groups than those in the control. In fetuses, body weight and crown-rump length were significantly greater and shorter, respectively, in both males and females in the NR-DE and F-DE groups than those in the control group. These results demonstrate that exposure of pregnant rats to NR-DE and F-DE suppresses the function of corpora lutea and stimulates the function of the adrenal cortex, suggesting a risk of spontaneous abortion associated with maternal hormonal changes.
机译:燃烧柴油所产生的污染物对人体健康有害。柴油机废气中的纳米颗粒由于能够深入人体,因此可能对胎儿的发育和孕期孕妇的内分泌功能产生深远影响。为了研究富含纳米颗粒的柴油机废气(NR-DE)对怀孕的影响,将怀孕的大鼠暴露于NR-DE,过滤的柴油机废气(F-DE)或清洁空气中妊娠19天。 NR-DE和F-DE组的孕妇肝脏和脾脏相对于体重的重量均显着低于对照组。 NR-DE和F-DE组的孕妇孕激素血清浓度显着降低,而黄体生成激素(LH)和皮质酮的血清浓度显着高于对照组。 F-DE组的血清雌二醇-17β的浓度显着高于对照组。 NR-DE和F-DE组黄体中细胞色素P450侧链裂解酶,3-β-羟类固醇脱氢酶和LH受体mRNA水平显着低于对照组。在胎儿中,NR-DE和F-DE组的雄性和雌性的体重和冠臀长分别明显大于和小于对照组。这些结果表明,妊娠大鼠暴露于NR-DE和F-DE会抑制黄体功能并刺激肾上腺皮质的功能,这提示与母体荷尔蒙变化相关的自然流产的风险。



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