首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Reproduction and Development >Progesterone receptor mRNA levels during pregnancy, labor, lactation and the estrous cycle in rat uterus

Progesterone receptor mRNA levels during pregnancy, labor, lactation and the estrous cycle in rat uterus


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Progesterone plays important roles in the regulation of female reproduction. In this study, progesterone receptor (PR) mRNA levels in rat uterus during pregnancy, labor, lactation and the estrous cycle were examined by competitive RT-PCR. During pregnancy and lactation, PR mRNA levels had decreased on day 20 of pregnancy (P20) and P21 compared with P15 but increased during labor. After a decline on day 1 of lactation (L1), PR mRNA levels had increased again on L3 and L14 compared with P15, P18, P20, P21 and P21pm (at 2200-2300 h on P21). There was no significant change in the PR mRNA level during the estrous cycle. The PR mRNA level did not change during 1 week of progesterone treatment or afterwards. Injection of 17beta-estradiol did not affect PR mRNA levels in rats treated with progesterone or those without any injections. In rats on P18, 17beta-estradiol injection did not change PR mRNA levels after sham-operation but induced an increase in PR mRNA levels of rats ovariectomized 6 h before the treatment. These results suggest that uterine PR mRNA levels are differently regulated during late pregnancy, labor and lactation, and during labor estrogen is one of the essential factors for the increase in PR mRNA levels.
机译:孕酮在调节女性生殖中起重要作用。在这项研究中,通过竞争性RT-PCR检测了妊娠,分娩,哺乳和发情周期期间大鼠子宫中的孕激素受体(PR)mRNA水平。在妊娠和哺乳期,PR mRNA水平在妊娠第20天(P20)和P21较P15有所降低,但在分娩时有所升高。泌乳第1天(L1)下降后,与P15,P18,P20,P21和P21pm相比,L3和L14的PR mRNA水平再次升高(在P21的2200-2300 h)。在发情周期中,PR mRNA水平没有明显变化。孕激素治疗1周或之后PR mRNA水平未改变。注射17β-雌二醇不会影响用孕酮治疗或未注射的大鼠的PR mRNA水平。在接受P18治疗的大鼠中,假手术后17β-雌二醇注射液不会改变PR mRNA水平,但会在治疗前6h切除卵巢的大鼠的PR mRNA水平升高。这些结果表明,子宫PR mRNA水平在妊娠晚期,分娩和哺乳期间受到不同的调节,并且在分娩期间雌激素是PR mRNA水平增加的重要因素之一。



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