首页> 外文期刊>The journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute >'In God's hands': Pentecostal Christianity, morality, and illness in a Melanesian society [? Dans les mains de Dieu ?: christianisme pentec?tiste, moralité et maladie dans une société mélanésienne]

'In God's hands': Pentecostal Christianity, morality, and illness in a Melanesian society [? Dans les mains de Dieu ?: christianisme pentec?tiste, moralité et maladie dans une société mélanésienne]


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In preparation for the imminent end of the world, converts to new evangelical forms of Christianity among the Lelet of New Ireland must practise constant self-scrutiny and self-discipline. Previously wrongdoing was unproblematic if concealed; now signs of sin are keenly sought in self and others. Illness, as God's punishment, is a significant sign of sin. To be cured, the ill must be scrupulously virtuous - thus doubly introspective. This accent on moral agency makes illness a source of public and internalized shame, intensifying an impetus towards a new form of conscience. Illnesses and deaths undergo a tortuous process of evaluation, in the light of competing traditional, biomedical, and new religious views. The new has not swept away the old; rather, change is incorporated in ways that are difficult to predict. The development of an internalized conscience in Lelet converts, though theoretically likely, cannot be taken for granted.
机译:为了为即将到来的世界尽头做准备,在新爱尔兰Lelet中,信奉基督教的新福音派形式必须实行不断的自律和自律。如果掩盖了以前的不当行为,那就没问题了;现在,强烈地在自我和他人中寻求罪恶的迹象。作为上帝的惩罚,疾病是罪恶的重要标志。要治愈,必须严格把病治好,这样才能使人内省。这种对道德行为能力的强调使疾病成为公众和内在羞耻的根源,加剧了人们对新型良心形式的动力。根据竞争传统,生物医学和新宗教观点,疾病和死亡经历了曲折的评估过程。新的并没有席卷旧的。相反,变更是以难以预测的方式合并的。尽管从理论上讲是可能的,但Lelet s依者内在良心的发展却不能被认为是理所当然的。



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