首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of school health >Applying the Process of Health Promotion in Schools: A Commentary

Applying the Process of Health Promotion in Schools: A Commentary


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In recent decades, the field of school health has been guided by what has been known as the Coordinated School Health Program (CSHP) model. Initially proposed in 1987, Allensworth and Kolbe provided an "expanded" perspective, encouraging linkages and coordination among a broader number of supports to ensure achieving healthy students. For over 2 decades, much effort has been expended garnering support by "informing others about how a coordinated school health program addresses the 'whole child' and contributes to a school's mission. (p23) Much of that work since the publishing of Health Is Academic in 1998 has focused on trying to integrate multiple components to achieve health outcomes, and many professionals have contributed to the knowledge base regarding what constitutes quality standards for each of the 8 components. Furthermore, researchers have demonstrated that improving the delivery of quality programming in each of the components can have positive impacts on selected health behaviors and indicators of school success. Though defensible, "the final list of evidence-based programs that impact academic performance is very small." (p599)



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