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Physical activity and healthy eating in the after-school environment.


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BACKGROUND: No research to date has extensively described moderate and vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and healthful eating (HE) opportunities in the after-school environment. The current study described the quality of the after-school environment for its impact on children's MVPA and HE. METHODS: An alliance of 7 elementary schools and Boys and Girls Clubs who worked with the Cooperative Extension Service in Lawrence, KS, was selected to participate in a larger intervention study. After-school settings were observed for information regarding session type, session context, leader behavior, physical activity, and snack quality using validated instruments such as the System for Observing Fitness Instruction Time. Data presented are baseline measures for all sites. RESULTS: Participating children (n = 144) were primarily non-Hispanic white (60%) and in fourth grade (69%). After-school sites offered 4 different sessions per day (active recreation, academic time, nonactive recreation, and enrichment activities). Children were provided with a daily snack. On 36% of the days observed, this snack included fruit, fruit juice, or vegetables. There was significantly more time spent in MVPA during free play sessions (69%) compared to organized adult-led sessions (51%). There was also significantly more discouragement of physical activity during organized adult-led sessions (29%) as compared to the free play sessions (6%). CONCLUSIONS: The quality of after-school programs can be improved by providing fruits and vegetables as snacks; offering more free play activities; training the after-school staff in simple, structured games for use in a variety of indoor and outdoor settings; and training after-school staff to promote and model MVPA and HE in and out of the after-school setting.
机译:背景:迄今为止,尚无研究广泛地描述课余环境中中等强度的体育锻炼(MVPA)和健康饮食(HE)的机会。当前的研究描述了课后环境的质量对其对儿童MVPA和HE的影响。方法:与堪萨斯州劳伦斯市合作推广服务处合作的7所小学和男孩女孩俱乐部组成的联盟被选中参加一项较大的干预研究。使用经过验证的工具(如“观察健身指导时间”系统)对课后设置进行观察,以获取有关会话类型,会话背景,领导者行为,体育锻炼和小吃质量的信息。呈现的数据是所有站点的基准度量。结果:参与研究的儿童(n = 144)主要是非西班牙裔白人(60%)和四年级(69%)。课后场所每天提供4个不同的时段(主动娱乐,学习时间,非主动娱乐和丰富活动)。每天为孩子们提供小吃。在观察到的36%的日子里,这种零食包括水果,果汁或蔬菜。与有组织的成人指导课程(51%)相比,免费游戏课程中的MVPA(69%)花费的时间明显更多。与免费游戏(6%)相比,在有组织的成人指导的会议(29%)中,体育活动的挫败感明显更多。结论:通过提供水果和蔬菜作为零食,可以提高课后计划的质量;提供更多的免费游戏活动;训练课后职员进行简单,结构化的游戏,以用于各种室内和室外环境;培训课后工作人员,以在课外环境中推广和建模MVPA和HE。



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