首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Veterinary Medical Science >Minimum alveolar concentration for blunting adrenergic responses (MAC-BAR) of sevoflurane in dogs.

Minimum alveolar concentration for blunting adrenergic responses (MAC-BAR) of sevoflurane in dogs.


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It is well known that heart rate or arterial blood pressure may increase in response to surgical stimulation despite the absence of a purposeful movement. However, there is limited information regarding anesthetic requirement for blunting adrenergic response in dogs. This study was designed to compare the minimum alveolar concentrations of sevoflurane required to prevent autonomic response (MAC-BAR) and purposeful movement (MAC) in dogs. Sevoflurane MAC-BAR and MAC were determined in 5 beagle dogs by judging dogs' response to a noxious electrical stimulus applied to the gingiva. The sevoflurane MAC-BAR was significantly higher than MAC (3.33+or-0.48 vs 2.10+or-0.28%, P=0.005). These results suggested that autonomic responses occurred at sevoflurane anesthetic concentrations at which purposeful movements were absent.Digital Object Identifier http://dx.doi.org/10.1292/jvms.11-0274
机译:众所周知,尽管没有有目的的运动,但是由于手术刺激,心率或动脉血压可能会升高。但是,关于麻醉剂对犬的肾上腺素能反应减弱的麻醉药的信息有限。这项研究旨在比较预防狗的自主神经反应(MAC-BAR)和有目的运动(MAC)所需的七氟醚最低肺泡浓度。通过判断狗对施加到牙龈的有害电刺激的反应来确定5只比格犬的七氟醚MAC-BAR和MAC。七氟醚的MAC-BAR显着高于MAC(3.33 +或-0.48与2.10 +或-0.28%, P = 0.005)。这些结果表明在七氟醚麻醉剂浓度下没有自主运动时会发生自主反应。数字对象标识符http://dx.doi.org/10.1292/jvms.11-0274



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