首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Urology >Malignant cytological washings from prostate specimens: an independent predictor of biochemical progression after radical prostatectomy.

Malignant cytological washings from prostate specimens: an independent predictor of biochemical progression after radical prostatectomy.


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PURPOSE: Malignant cells have previously been identified in the cytological washings of prostate specimens obtained at radical prostatectomy for clinically localized prostate cancer. We investigated whether malignant cells in the cytological washings of radical prostatectomy specimens predict biochemical progression. The affect of total androgen blockade on cytological washings was also examined. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Cytological washings were obtained from radical prostatectomy specimens in 147 consecutive patients undergoing the procedure for clinically localized prostate cancer between November 1993 and April 1998. Of the 147 patients 54 were randomly selected to receive 1 month of total androgen blockade immediately before prostatectomy. To obtain the cytological specimen the extirpated prostate was subjected to a normal saline bath, as previously described. The cytology specimen was examined by a single cytopathologist blinded to preoperative and pathological findings. Biochemical progression, defined as prostate specific antigen 0.15 ng./ml. or greater, was determined using the Kaplan-Meier method. We also performed multivariate analysis of factors related to progression, including prostate specific antigen, pathological stage, margin status, Gleason grade and cytology status. Median followup was 37 months (range 13 to 66). RESULTS: Followup was available in 146 of 147 cases. Cytological washings were malignant in 14 of 92 patients (15%) who did not receive total androgen blockade preoperatively. In this group without androgen blockade the biochemical progression rate was significantly higher in those with positive cytology (p < 0.001). Positive cytology was an independent predictor of progression on multivariate analysis and a stronger predictor of progression than Gleason grade. No malignant cells were observed in cases of preoperative total androgen blockade (p < 0.001). However, biochemical progression was similar in the groups with and without androgen blockade (p = 0.355). CONCLUSIONS: Malignant cells may be identified in the cytological washings of radical prostatectomy specimens and they are an independent predictor of biochemical progression. One month of total androgen blockade preoperatively significantly decreases the rate of positive cytology but does not appear to change the rate of early biochemical failure.
机译:目的:先前在根治性前列腺切除术获得的前列腺标本的细胞学清洗液中已鉴定出恶性细胞,用于临床上局限性的前列腺癌。我们调查了前列腺癌根治术标本的细胞学检查中的恶性细胞是否预测了生化进程。还检查了总雄激素阻断对细胞学洗涤的影响。材料与方法:从1993年11月至1998年4月之间接受临床局限性前列腺癌手术的147位连续前列腺癌患者行根治性前列腺切除术标本进行细胞学清洗。在这147位患者中,随机选择54位患者接受前列腺切除术前1个月的完全雄激素阻断。如前所述,为了获得细胞学标本,对切除的前列腺进行生理盐水冲洗。由不了解术前和病理学发现的一位细胞病理学家检查细胞学标本。生化进程,定义为前列腺特异性抗原0.15 ng./ml。或更大,使用Kaplan-Meier方法确定。我们还对与进展相关的因素进行了多变量分析,包括前列腺特异性抗原,病理分期,切缘状态,格里森分级和细胞学状态。中位随访时间为37个月(范围13至66)。结果:147例中的146例可进行随访。 92例患者中有14例(15%)术前未接受完全的雄激素阻断,因此细胞学检查为恶性。在没有雄激素阻断的这一组中,细胞学检查阳性的人的生化进展速度明显更高(p <0.001)。阳性细胞学是多变量分析中进展的独立预测因子,是比格里森等级更强的进展预测因子。术前完全雄激素阻断未观察到恶性细胞(p <0.001)。但是,在有雄激素阻断和无雄激素阻断的组中,生化进程相似(p = 0.355)。结论:在前列腺癌根治术标本的细胞学冲洗物中可以鉴定出恶性细胞,并且它们是生化进程的独立预测因子。术前一个月完全雄激素阻断显着降低了阳性细胞学检查率,但似乎并未改变早期生化失败率。



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