首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Urology >Long-term results of the endoscopic correction of vesicoureteral reflux in children using autologous chondrocytes.

Long-term results of the endoscopic correction of vesicoureteral reflux in children using autologous chondrocytes.


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PURPOSE: Endoscopic correction of vesicoureteral reflux continues to attract research of many autologous and nonautologous substances. We previously reported on the initial results of a clinical trial using endoscopic injection of autologous chondrocytes to correct vesicoureteral reflux in children and now present our greater than 1-year followup results. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 29 children (47 ureters) with grades II to IV vesicoureteral reflux were treated at 2 centers. Each child underwent cystoscopy and posterior auricular cartilage harvesting at the initial setting. Chondrocytes were grown in culture during a 6-week period. Patients returned for transurethral injection of autologous chondrocytes into the ureterovesical junction of the refluxing ureters. Ultrasound was performed at 1 month, 1 year, and 2 and 3 years after implantation, and a voiding cystourethrogram or radionuclide cystogram at 3 months and 1 year after injection. If reflux persisted re-treatment with stored chondrocytes was offered. RESULTS: At 3-month followup initial chondrocyte injection corrected reflux in 55% of ureters (27 of 47) while a second or third injection was successful in additional 15 of 29 patients, resulting in an overall success rate of 86% (42 of 49) ureters and 25 of 29 patients. At 1-year followup reflux correction was maintained in 70% of ureters (32 of 46) and 65% of patients (19 of 29). The 1-year followup results after re-treatment of 3 ureters were not available. In those patients in whom implantation failed cystoscopy revealed evidence of volume loss and shifting of subureteral mounds to account for loss of the antireflux effect. Three patients underwent successful open ureteroneocystostomy for failed autologous chondrocyte implantation. There were no significant complications. CONCLUSIONS: Transurethral injection of autologous chondrocytes to correct vesicoureteral reflux in children is safe and reasonably effective. There is a relapse rate which must be considered. Changes in the formulation of the material have been made to enhance implant reliability and increase long-term success.
机译:目的:内镜矫正膀胱输尿管反流继续吸引许多自体和非自体物质的研究。我们先前报道了使用内窥镜下注射自体软骨细胞纠正儿童膀胱输尿管返流的临床试验的初步结果,现在我们发表了超过一年的随访结果。材料与方法:在2个中心共对29例II至IV级膀胱输尿管反流的儿童(47例输尿管)进行了治疗。每个孩子在开始时都要进行膀胱镜检查和耳后软骨收获。软骨细胞在6周内培养。患者返回经尿道将自体软骨细胞经尿道注入回流输尿管的输尿管膀胱交界处。在植入后的1个月,1年,2和3年进行超声检查,在注射后3个月和1年进行膀胱排尿心电图或放射性核素膀胱造影检查。如果持续反流,则可以用储存的软骨细胞进行再治疗。结果:在3个月的随访中,最初的软骨细胞注射纠正了55%的输尿管反流(47个中的27个),而第二次或第三次注射成功地使29个患者中的15个再次成功,结果总成功率为86%(49个中的42个) )输尿管和29名患者中的25名。在1年的随访中,输尿管矫正维持在70%的输尿管(46中的32)和65%的患者(29中的19)。 3例输尿管再治疗后的1年随访结果不可用。在那些膀胱镜置入失败的患者中,膀胱镜检查显示出体积减少和输尿管下丘移位的证据,以解释抗反流作用的丧失。三例患者因自体软骨细胞植入失败而进行了成功的开放性输尿管膀胱造口术。没有明显的并发症。结论:经尿道自体软骨细胞注射纠正儿童膀胱输尿管返流是安全,合理的。必须考虑复发率。已经改变了材料的配方,以增强植入物的可靠性并增加长期成功率。



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