首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Urology >Randomized comparative study of 3 versus 8-month neoadjuvant hormonal therapy before radical prostatectomy: biochemical and pathological effects.

Randomized comparative study of 3 versus 8-month neoadjuvant hormonal therapy before radical prostatectomy: biochemical and pathological effects.


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PURPOSE: A prospective phase 3 trial was initiated to determine whether 8 compared with 3-month neoadjuvant hormonal therapy reduces prostate specific antigen (PSA) recurrence rates after radical prostatectomy. Our interim analysis includes secondary end points of differences in biochemistry, pathology and adverse events between the 2 groups. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Men with clinically confined prostate cancer were randomized to receive 7.5 mg. leuprolide intramuscularly monthly and 250 mg. flutamide orally 3 times daily for 3 or 8 months before radical prostatectomy. Our study was powered to detect a 35% decrease in PSA recurrence, assuming a 30% recurrence rate in the 3-month arm after 3 years. RESULTS: A total of 547 men were randomized between August 1995 and April 1998. Men in the 8 and 3-month groups were equally stratified for T stage (29% T1c, 70% T2), Gleason grade (68% less than 4, 32% 4 or greater) and pretreatment PSA (63% less than 10, 27% 10 to 20 and 10% greater than 20 microg./l.). Mean pretreatment PSA was slightly higher in the 8-month compared with the 3-month group (11.64 versus 9.95 microg./l., respectively, p = 0.0539). A total of 44 men withdrew from study before surgery and, therefore, were nonevaluable. Preoperative PSA nadir was less than 0.1 microg./l. in 43.3% versus 75.1% (p <0.0001), and 0.3 microg./l. or greater in 21% versus 9.2% after 3 versus 8 months, respectively (p <0.0006). Mean serum PSA decreased 98% to 0.12 microg./l. after 3 months, with a further 57% to 0.052 microg./l. from 3 to 8 months. Transrectal ultrasound determined that prostatic volume decreased 37% from a mean of 40.6 to 25.4 cc after 3-month neoadjuvant hormonal therapy (p = 0.0001) and a further 13% to 22.2 cc after 8 months (p = 0.03). Mean hemoglobin decreased 15% (148.2 to 125.4 gm./dl.) after 3-month neoadjuvant hormonal therapy but stabilized thereafter. Radical prostatectomy was completed in 500 men, while surgery was aborted intraoperatively in 3. Positive margin rates were significantly lower in the 8 than 3-month group (12% versus 23%, respectively, p = 0.0106). There were no fatal adverse events and no differences between the 2 groups in the severity or causality (p = 0.287, 0.0564) of adverse events, or incidence of increased liver enzymes or diarrhea (p = 0.691, 0.288, respectively). However, men in the 8-month group noticed a higher number of newly reported adverse events (4.5 versus 2.9, p <0.0001) and higher incidence of hot flushes than the 3-month group (87% versus 72%, respectively, p <0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: Ongoing biochemical and pathological regression of prostate tumors occurs between 3 and 8 months of neoadjuvant hormonal therapy, suggesting that the optimal duration of neoadjuvant hormonal therapy is longer than 3 months. Longer followup is needed to determine whether longer therapy alters PSA recurrence rates.
机译:目的:启动一项前瞻性3期试验,以确定与3个月的新辅助激素治疗相比,有8项是否能降低前列腺癌根治术后的前列腺特异性抗原(PSA)复发率。我们的中期分析包括两组之间生化,病理学和不良事件差异的次要终点。材料与方法:将临床上受限的前列腺癌患者随机接受7.5 mg。肌肉注射亮丙瑞林每月一次和250毫克。前列腺癌根治术前口服氟他胺3次或8个月,每天3次。假设3年后3个月内PSA复发率为30%,我们的研究能够检测出PSA复发降低35%。结果:在1995年8月至1998年4月之间,共有547名男性患者被随机分组​​。在8个月和3个月组中,男性在T期(29%T1c,70%T2),格里森等级(68%低于4, 32%4或更高)和预处理PSA(63%低于10、27%10至20和10%高于20微克/升)。平均治疗前PSA在8个月中比3个月组略高(分别为11.64和9.95 microg./l,p = 0.0539)。共有44名男性在手术前退出研究,因此没有价值。术前PSA最低值小于0.1微克/升。分别为43.3%和75.1%(p <0.0001)和0.3微克/升。分别在3个月和8个月后分别为21%和9.2%或更高(p <0.0006)。平均血清PSA降低98%至0.12微克/升。 3个月后,再增加57%至0.052微克/升。 3至8个月。经直肠超声检查发现,新辅助激素治疗3个月后,前列腺体积从平均40.6 cc降低了37%(20.4 cc)(p = 0.0001),而在8个月后,前列腺体积进一步降低了13%至22.2 cc(p = 0.03)。 3个月的新辅助激素治疗后,平均血红蛋白降低了15%(148.2至125.4 gm./dl。),但此后趋于稳定。在500名男性中完成了前列腺根治术,而在3例中术中止了手术。8个月的阳性切缘率明显低于3个月组(分别为12%和23%,p = 0.0106)。没有致命的不良事件,两组之间不良事件的严重程度或因果关系(p = 0.287,0.0564),或肝酶或腹泻增加的发生率(p = 0.691,0.288)均无差异。然而,与3个月组相比,在8个月组中,男性发现新报告的不良事件数量更高(4.5对2.9,p <0.0001)和潮热发生率较高(分别为87%和72%)。 0.0001)。结论:正在进行的前列腺癌生化和病理学消退发生在新辅助激素治疗的3至8个月之间,这表明新辅助激素治疗的最佳持续时间超过3个月。需要更长的随访以确定更长的治疗是否会改变PSA复发率。



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