首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Urology >Outcomes of surveillance protocol of clinical stage I nonseminomatous germ cell tumors-is shift to risk adapted policy justified?

Outcomes of surveillance protocol of clinical stage I nonseminomatous germ cell tumors-is shift to risk adapted policy justified?


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PURPOSE: We evaluated the potential risk factors for disease relapse in patients with clinical stage I nonseminomatous germ cell tumors treated with surveillance and reevaluated our treatment of these patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 211 consecutive patients with clinical stage I nonseminomatous germ cell tumors treated with surveillance after orchiectomy between 1993 and 2005 were included in this retrospective study. Risk factors evaluated were presence of vascular invasion, proportion of embryonal carcinoma, age, tumor size, preoperatively increased serum alpha-fetoprotein and the absence of yolk sac component. RESULTS: Of the 211 patients 66 (31.3%) had disease relapse. Recurrence ranged from 2 to 32 months after orchiectomy (median 6). A total of 52 (78.8%) cases of relapse were diagnosed in year 1 of followup, 11 (16.7%) during year 2 and only 3 cases were diagnosed thereafter. The first evidence of relapse was most commonly the increase in serum tumor markers alone (28.8%) or in combination with other modalities (66.7%, overall 95.5%). While 40.9% of patients with more than 50% embryonal carcinoma had disease relapse, the relapse rate was 20.8% in patients with less than 50% embryonal carcinoma (p = 0.002). Relapse rates in patients with and without vascular invasion were 75.5% and 17.9%, respectively (p = 0.000). The relapse rates were 6.1% and 75.7% in patients with no risk factors (no vascular invasion and less than 50% embryonal carcinoma) and 2 risk factors (vascular invasion and more than 50% embryonal carcinoma), respectively (p < 0.001). Multivariate analysis revealed that vascular invasion was the most powerful predictor of relapse (OR 16.350, 95% CI 5.582-47.893). Disease-free and disease specific survival rates were 97.6% at a median followup of 75 months. CONCLUSIONS: In light of our results we suggest that all patients with vascular invasion should receive chemotherapy. However, patients with no risk factors and those with more than 50% embryonal carcinoma but without vascular invasion should be on surveillance after orchiectomy since the relapse rate is less than 30%. Although strict followup in the first year is justified, followup schemas may be reassessed for the frequency of radiological investigations.
机译:目的:我们评估了接受监视治疗的临床I期非精原性生殖细胞肿瘤患者的疾病复发的潜在危险因素,并重新评估了我们对这些患者的治疗。材料与方法:这项回顾性研究包括1993年至2005年在睾丸切除术后接受监视的连续211例临床I期非精原细胞生殖细胞肿瘤患者。评估的危险因素为是否存在血管浸润,胚胎癌的比例,年龄,肿瘤大小,术前血清甲胎蛋白增加和卵黄囊成分缺失。结果:在211名患者中,有66名(31.3%)患有疾病复发。睾丸切除术后复发2到32个月不等(中位数6)。随访的第一年共诊断出52例(78.8%)复发病例,第二年诊断为11例(16.7%),此后仅诊断3例。复发的第一个证据是最常见的是血清肿瘤标志物单独升高(28.8%)或与其他方式联合升高(66.7%,总体为95.5%)。胚胎癌多于50%的患者中有40.9%患病,而胚胎癌少于50%的患者中复发率为20.8%(p = 0.002)。有和没有血管浸润的患者的复发率分别为75.5%和17.9%(p = 0.000)。无危险因素(无血管浸润和少于50%的胚胎癌)和2种危险因素(血管浸润和大于50%的胚胎癌)的复发率分别为6.1%和75.7%(p <0.001)。多变量分析显示,血管浸润是复发的最有力预测因子(OR 16.350,95%CI 5.582-47.893)。在75个月的中位随访中,无病和特定疾病的生存率为97.6%。结论:根据我们的结果,我们建议所有血管侵犯患者均应接受化疗。但是,无危险因素的患者和胚胎癌多于50%但无血管侵袭的患者,在睾丸切除术后应进行监视,因为复发率低于30%。尽管在第一年进行严格的随访是合理的,但可以根据放射学检查的频率重新评估随访方案。



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