首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Urology >A simplified method of implanting a neuromodulator device.

A simplified method of implanting a neuromodulator device.


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PURPOSE: The InterStim neuromodulator device (Medtronic, Inc., Minneapolis, Minnesota) is indicated for the treatment of refractory urge incontinence, urinary frequency and urgency, and nonobstructive urinary retention. We present a modification of the 2-stage approach which is simple to perform, reduces the number of incisions from 2 to 1, decreases operative time and potentially decreases the risk of infection. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Using a single paramedian incision, a quadripolar lead is placed into the appropriate sacral foramen. The lead is connected to the extension wire and the connector is anchored into an ipsilateral subcutaneous tunnel with the aid of an externalized polypropylene suture and plastic button. The extension wire is then externalized through the contralateral buttock using a subcutaneous tunneling device. At stage 2 the entire system can be removed through the original incision or the pulse generator can be implanted through a virgin incision over the connector site. RESULTS: Atotal of 20 procedures have been performed with an average stage 1 implant time of 72 minutes. Median implant time of 13 pulse generators was 36 minutes. Median explant time of 6 leads was 21 minutes. There have been no infections or adverse events. CONCLUSIONS: This modification is simple, efficient, safe and involves use of tools already familiar to urologists. By reducing the number of incisions, it reduces violation of the skin barrier and consequently risk of infection. Infection is potentially reduced at stage 2 because there is undisturbed, noncontused virgin tissue at the site of generator implant.
机译:用途:InterStim神经调节器设备(Medtronic,Inc。,明尼苏达州,明尼苏达州)适用于治疗难治性急迫性尿失禁,尿频和尿急以及无阻塞性尿retention留。我们提出了一种2阶段方法的改进,该方法易于执行,将切口数从2减少到1,减少了手术时间,并有可能降低感染的风险。材料与方法:使用单个正中切口,将四极导线放置在适当的for孔中。导线连接到延长线上,借助外部的聚丙烯缝线和塑料纽扣将连接器固定在同侧皮下隧道中。然后,使用皮下穿刺装置将延长线穿过对侧臀部。在阶段2,可以通过原始切口移除整个系统,或者可以通过原始切口将脉冲发生器植入连接器部位。结果:总共进行了20道手术,平均第一阶段植入时间为72分钟。 13个脉冲发生器的中位植入时间为36分钟。 6根引线的中位移植时间为21分钟。没有感染或不良事件。结论:这种修改是简单,有效,安全的,并且涉及到泌尿科医师已经熟悉的工具的使用。通过减少切口的数量,它减少了对皮肤屏障的侵害,从而减少了感染的风险。在第2阶段,感染可能会减少,因为在发生器植入物的部位存在不受干扰的,未挫伤的原始组织。



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