首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Urology >The effect of bench model fidelity on endourological skills: a randomized controlled study.

The effect of bench model fidelity on endourological skills: a randomized controlled study.


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PURPOSE: Complex skills, such as ureteroscopy and stone extraction, are increasingly taught to novice urology trainees using bench models in surgical skills laboratories. We determined whether hands-on training improved the performance of novices more than those taught only by a didactic session and whether there was a difference in the performance of subjects taught on a low versus a high fidelity model. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We randomized 40 final year medical students to a didactic session or 1 of 2 hands-on training groups involving low or high fidelity bench model practice. Training sessions were supervised by experienced endourologists. Testing involved removal of a mid ureteral stone using a semirigid ureteroscope and a basket. Blinded examiners tested subjects before and after training. Performance was measured by a global rating scale, checklist, pass rating and time needed to complete the task. RESULTS: There was a significant effect of hands-on training on endourological performance (p <0.01). With respect to bench model fidelity the low fidelity group did significantly better than the didactic group (p <0.05). However, no significant difference was found between the high and low fidelity groups (p >0.05). The low fidelity model cost Canadian
机译:目的:越来越多地在外科技能实验室中使用台式模型向泌尿科新手培训复杂的技能,例如输尿管镜检查和结石摘除。我们确定动手训练是否比仅通过讲习会教给的新手更好地改善了新手的表现,以及在低保真模型与高保真模型上所教的主题的表现是否存在差异。材料和方法:我们将40名最后一年的医学生随机分为一个教学课程或2个涉及低或高保真基准模型练习的动手训练小组中的1个。培训课程在经验丰富的内科医生的指导下进行。测试涉及使用半刚性输尿管镜和篮摘除输尿管中段结石。盲人检查员在训练前后对受试者进行了测试。通过整体评分量表,清单,通过评分和完成任务所需的时间来衡量性能。结果:动手训练对呼吸道表现有显着影响(p <0.01)。关于基准模型的保真度,低保真度组的效果明显优于教学法组(p <0.05)。但是,高保真组和低保真组之间没有发现显着差异(p> 0.05)。低保真模型花费加拿大



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