首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry >Effects of various irrigation solutions on microleakage of Class V composite restorations.

Effects of various irrigation solutions on microleakage of Class V composite restorations.


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STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM: Irrigation solutions used in the preparation of composite restorations have been reported to contain potential contaminants that may interfere with, and compromise, composite bonding. PURPOSE: The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate microleakage of Class V composite restorations after irrigation of acid conditioner with various solutions. MATERIAL AND MENTODS: Standardized Class V preparations (5 mm wide, 4 mm high and 2 mm deep) were made at the cemento-enamel junction on available buccal, lingual, mesial, and distal surfaces of extracted human posterior teeth. The prepared teeth, separated into 7 groups (n=10), were etched for 10 seconds with a 37% phosphoric acid gel. Each group was irrigated with 1 of the following solutions: (1) tap water, (2) sterile water, (3) sodium chloride solution, (4) filtered water, (5) chlorhexidine, (6) sodium hypochlorite, and (7) distilled water. Each preparation was treated with a bonding agent (Opti-Bond Solo) and then restored with a hybrid composite (Herculite XRV). The restorations were polished with Soflex polishing disks and then thermal cycled for 1000 cycles between 5 degrees C and 55 degrees C with a 20-second dwell time. Assessment of microleakage was performed by application of a dye penetrant, sectioning of the teeth, and examination at original magnification x 20. The nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis test (alpha=.05) was used for statistical analysis. RESULTS: Microleakage ranging from 10% to 30% was observed in all groups tested. Tap water exhibited the highest incidence of leakage, sterile water the least, with the other irrigation solutions leading to intermediate leakage. However, there was no significant difference in microleakage resulting from any of the irrigation solutions tested. CONCLUSION: The effect of irrigation solutions used in this in vitro study was not significant.
机译:问题陈述:据报道,用于制备复合修复体的灌溉溶液中含有潜在的污染物,这些污染物可能会干扰并损害复合材料的粘结。目的:这项体外研究的目的是评估用各种溶液冲洗酸调节剂后V类复合修复体的微渗漏。材料和牙签:在已拔除的人类后牙的颊,舌,中,远端表面上的牙釉质连接处制备了标准的V类准备(宽5毫米,高4毫米,深2毫米)。将准备好的牙齿分为7组(n = 10),用37%的磷酸凝胶蚀刻10秒钟。每组用以下溶液之一进行灌溉:(1)自来水,(2)无菌水,(3)氯化钠溶液,(4)过滤水,(5)洗必太,(6)次氯酸钠和(7) ) 蒸馏水。每种制剂均用粘合剂(Opti-Bond Solo)处理,然后用杂化复合材料(Herculite XRV)修复。将修复体用Soflex抛光盘抛光,然后在5摄氏度至55摄氏度之间进行20秒的停留时间热循环1000次。微渗漏的评估通过施加染料渗透剂,将牙齿切成薄片并以原始放大倍数x 20进行检查。将非参数Kruskal-Wallis检验(alpha = .05)用于统计分析。结果:在所有测试组中均观察到微渗漏,范围为10%至30%。自来水的渗漏发生率最高,无菌水最少,其他灌溉解决方案则导致中等渗漏。但是,任何测试的灌溉溶液都不会引起微渗漏。结论:该体外研究中使用的冲洗液效果不显着。



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