首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Organic Chemistry >NMR Method for the Determination of Solute Hydrogen Bond Acidity

NMR Method for the Determination of Solute Hydrogen Bond Acidity


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It is shown that the difference in the ~1H NMR chemical shift of a protic hydrogen in DMSO and CDCl_3 solvents is directly related to the overall,or summation,hydrogen bond acidity for a wide range of solutes.This provides a new and direct method of measuring the hydrogen bond acidity.For 54 compounds,the observed shifts for 72 protic hydrogens could be correlated to the Abraham solute hydrogen bond acidity parameter,A,with a correlation coefficient squared,R~2,of 0.938 and a standard deviation,SD,of 0.054 units in A.A training equation that used half the data could predict A values for the remaining data with an average error of 0.001 and a standard deviation,SD,of 0.053 units,thus demonstrating the predictive power of the method.Unlike any previous method for the determination of solute hydrogen bond acidities,the NMR method allows the determination of A values for individual protic hydrogens in multifunctional solutes.
机译:结果表明,质子氢在DMSO和CDCl_3溶剂中〜1H NMR化学位移的差异与广泛的溶质的总氢键酸度或总氢键酸度直接相关。这提供了一种新的直接方法对于54种化合物,观察到的72个质子氢的位移可能与亚伯拉罕溶质氢键酸度参数A相关,相关系数的平方R〜2为0.938,标准差SD为使用一半数据的AA训练方程中的0.054个单位可以预测剩余数据的A值,平均误差为0.001,标准差SD为0.053个单位,从而证明了该方法的预测能力。为了测定溶质氢键的酸度,NMR方法可以测定多功能溶质中单个质子氢的A值。



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