首页> 外文期刊>The journal of obstetrics and gynaecology research >Simple uterovaginal anastomosis for cervicovaginal atresia diagnosed by magnetic resonance imaging: A report of two cases

Simple uterovaginal anastomosis for cervicovaginal atresia diagnosed by magnetic resonance imaging: A report of two cases


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This report describes the use of a simple transvaginal surgical method to connect the uterus with the lower vagina in patients with cervicovaginal atresia. We report two girls presenting with primary amenorrhea and cyclic abdominal pain. The girls had similar magnetic resonance imaging findings that revealed markedly enlarged uteri containing blood and no structures resembling a cervix or upper vagina. We performed transvaginal uterovaginal anastomosis with no perioperative or postoperative complications. After surgery, the patients had regular menstrual cycles and one started sexual activities with no complaints. The remarkable finding was the natural increase in the vaginal depth after surgery. This simplified transvaginal uterovaginal anastomosis technique, with its promising anatomical results, might be a treatment for cervicovaginal atresia. (C) 2016 Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology
机译:该报告描述了使用简单的经阴道手术方法将宫颈阴道闭锁患者的子宫与下阴道相连。我们报告两个女孩表现为原发性闭经和周期性腹痛。这些女孩具有类似的磁共振成像发现,发现子宫明显增大,其中含有血液,并且没有类似于子宫颈或上阴道的结构。我们进行了经阴道子宫阴道吻合术,没有围手术期或术后并发症。手术后,患者有规律的月经周期,并且开始进行性活动而无任何不适。值得注意的发现是手术后阴道深度自然增加。这种简化的经阴道子宫阴道吻合术,具有令人鼓舞的解剖学结果,可能是宫颈阴道闭锁的一种治疗方法。 (C)2016年日本妇产科学会



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