
Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamc Evaluations of a Potent Analgesic,Dihydroetorphine,in Hairless Rat


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To evaluate the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic char-acteristics of a novel opioid analgesic, dihydroetorphine (DHE), concentrations of DHE and its glucuronide (DG) in plasma and central nervous system (by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry) and the antinociceptive effect (by tail-im-mersion test) were measured after intravenous (i.v., 2 mg/kg), intracutaneous ((.c., 2 p~g7Kg), subcutaneous (s.c., 2 i~g/kg), intraperitoneal (i.p., 10 jig/kg), and oral (p.o., 200 jig/kg) ad-ministrations in hairless rats. An elimination half-life of plasma DHE concentration was 37.2 mm after i.v. injection. Brain DHE concentration reached a maximum within 6 mm after i.v. injec-tion, and the concentration ratio in brain to plasma was 5.17. Relative bioavailabilities of DHE to i.v. injection (100%) were 70.8,79.8,16.7,and 0.37% after i.c.,s.c.,i.p.,and p.o.administrations, respectively. Area under the plasma concentration-time curve ratios of plasma DG to DHE concentrations after i.v. i.c., s.c., i.p., and p.o. were 1.76, 3.26, 4.74, 14.5, and 290. respectively. Antinociceptive effects appeared rapidly after i.v., l.c., and s.c. administrations but were diminished after i.p. and p.o. administrations, and these effects were ciosely reJated to tfie brain DHE concentrations. DHE was excreted mainly as DG in bile (89.5% of the dose) by 240 mm after i.v. injection. Serum protein binding of DHE was 83.4%, which was not influenced by DG. Glucuronidation of DHE was detected in the liver, in-testine, and kidney in vitro but was minimal in the skin and brain. In conclusion, DHE was rapidly distributed to the brain in relation to producing the antinociceptive effect, and then it was rapidly metabolized to the pharmacologically inactive DG.
机译:评估新型阿片类镇痛药二氢埃托啡(DHE)的药代动力学和药效特性,血浆和中枢神经系统中DHE及其葡糖醛酸(DG)的浓度(通过液相色谱-串联质谱法)和镇痛效果(通过静脉(iv,2 mg / kg),皮内(.c。,2 p〜g7Kg),皮下(sc,2 i〜g / kg),腹膜内(ip,10 jig / kg)和口服(po,200 jig / kg)在无毛大鼠中的作用。静脉注射后血浆DHE浓度的消除半衰期为37.2 mm。静脉注射后6 mm之内脑DHE浓度达到最大值-离子,脑与血浆中的浓度比为5.17;经ic,sc,ip和po给药后,DHE静脉注射的相对生物利用度(100%)分别为70.8、79.8、16.7和0.37%。 ivic后血浆DG与DHE浓度的血浆浓度-时间曲线比率,s.c.,i.p。和p.o.分别为1.76、3.26、4.74、14.5和290。 i.v.,l.c。和s.c.之后,镇痛作用迅速出现。政府部门,但在i.p.和p.o.给药,这些作用与脑DHE浓度密切相关。静脉注射后240 mm,DHE主要作为胆汁中的DG排泄(占剂量的89.5%)。注射。 DHE的血清蛋白结合率为83.4%,不受DG影响。在体外的肝,肠和肾中检测到DHE的葡萄糖醛酸苷化,但在皮肤和脑中很少。总之,与产生抗伤害感受作用有关的DHE迅速分布到大脑,然后迅速代谢成无药理活性的DG。


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