首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics: Official Publication of the American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics >Coadministration of 5-Hydroxytryptamine_(1A) Antagonist WAY-100635 Prevents Fluoxetine-Induced Desensitzation of Postsynaptic 5-Hydroxytryptamine_(1A) Receptors in Hypothalamus

Coadministration of 5-Hydroxytryptamine_(1A) Antagonist WAY-100635 Prevents Fluoxetine-Induced Desensitzation of Postsynaptic 5-Hydroxytryptamine_(1A) Receptors in Hypothalamus


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Treatment with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors induces a desensitizationof hyypotnalamic postsynaptic 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT)_(1A) receptors in humans and rats. This study investigated whether fluoxetine-induced desensitization is due to overactivation of postsynaptic 5-HT_(1A) receptors;whether blockade of somatodendritic 5-HT_(1A) autoreceptors accelerates this desensitization;and whether desensitization is associated with a reduction of Gz proteins, which bouple to 5-HT_(1A) receptors. WAY-100635 was tested at low doses (0.03-0.3 mg/kg),which antagonize somatodendritic 5-HT_(1A) autoreceptors in the raphe nuclei, and at a higher dose (1mg/kg),which completely blocks postsynaptic 5-HT_(1A) receptors. Plasma levels of oxytocin and adrenal corticotrophic hormone (conrticotropin) were measured as peripheral indicatiors of hypothalamic 5-HT_(1A) receptor function. Daily injections of fluoxetine (10mg/kg/day i.p.)for 2 days did not desensitize 5-HT_(1A) receptors but three daily injections of fluoxetine produced a partial desensitization of the hormone responses to (+-)-8-hydroxy-2-dipropylaminoetetralin (50 #mu#g/kg s.c.). WAY-100635 (0.03-0.3 mg/kg)did not accelerate or potentiate the fluoxetine-induced desensitization of 5-HT_(1A) receptors. However, WAY-100635 at a dose that completely blocks postsynaptic 5-HT_(1A) receptors (1.0 mg/kg)com pletely prevented the fluoxetine-induced desensitization of 5-HT_(1A) receptors. These data demonstrate that at least 3 days of fluoxeine exposure is required to produce a homologous desnesitization of hypothalamic 5-HT_(1A) receptors. Although previous studies indicate that injections of fluoxetine for 14 days produce a reduciton of Gz protein levels in the hypothalamus, the levels of Gz proteins were not affected by either fluoxetine or WAY-100635. Alternative mechanisms mediating the initial stages of 5-HT_(1A) receptor desensitization could involve post-translational modifications in the 5-HT_(1A) receptor-Gz protien-signaling cascade.
机译:用选择性5-羟色胺再摄取抑制剂治疗可诱发人和大鼠下丘脑突触后5-羟色胺(5-HT)_(1A)受体的脱敏。这项研究调查了氟西汀诱导的脱敏是否是由于突触后5-HT_(1A)受体的过度激活;对体树突状5-HT_(1A)自体受体的阻滞是否加速了脱敏;以及脱敏是否与Gz蛋白的减少有关,这对5-HT_(1A)受体不满意。对WAY-100635进行了低剂量(0.03-0.3 mg / kg)的测试,该剂量可拮抗缝核中的树突状5-HT_(1A)自体受体,而高剂量(1mg / kg)则可完全阻断突触后5-HT_ (1A)受体。测定血浆催产素和肾上腺皮质营养激素(促肾上腺皮质激素)水平作为下丘脑5-HT_(1A)受体功能的外周指标。每天注射氟西汀(10mg / kg /天,腹腔注射)持续2天不会使5-HT_(1A)受体脱敏,但是每天三次注射氟西汀会导致对(+-)-8-hydroxy-2的激素反应部分脱敏-二丙基氨基四氢化萘(50#mu#g / kg sc)。 WAY-100635(0.03-0.3 mg / kg)不能加速或增强氟西汀引起的5-HT_(1A)受体脱敏。然而,以完全阻断突触后5-HT_(1A)受体(1.0 mg / kg)的剂量,WAY-100635完全可以阻止氟西汀诱导的5-HT_(1A)受体脱敏。这些数据表明,至少需要3天的氟西汀暴露才能产生下丘脑5-HT_(1A)受体的同源去氨化反应。尽管以前的研究表明,注射氟西汀14天会降低下丘脑中的Gz蛋白水平,但Gz蛋白的水平不受氟西汀或WAY-100635的影响。介导5-HT_(1A)受体脱敏的初始阶段的替代机制可能涉及5-HT_(1A)受体-Gz蛋白信号级联反应中的翻译后修饰。


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