首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of pediatrics >Safety of intravenous ketorolac therapy in children and cost savings with a unit dosing system.

Safety of intravenous ketorolac therapy in children and cost savings with a unit dosing system.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine the incidence of side effects with the short-term use of intravenously administered ketorolac in children and the overall cost savings with a unit dosing system. STUDY DESIGN: We prospectively examined the incidence of complications arising from the intravenous administration of ketorolac to 1747 children (14,810 doses) during a 3-year, 3-month period and assessed cost savings resulting from dividing 60 mg syringes into 7.5, 15, 30, and 60 mg unit doses. Complications were recorded prospectively into a computerized database. Estimated drug costs to the pharmacy were calculated on the basis of the total numbers of each drug fraction administered, with allowance for 1O% wastage as a result of drug expiration. RESULTS: Side effects occurring with ketorolac administration were rare. Four patients (0.2%) had hypersensitivity reactions to the drug, two of them possibly on the basis of latex allergy. Two patients (O.1%) had renal complications but were subsequently found to have underlying causes that could account for their renal symptoms. One patient (0.05%) had massive gastrointestinal bleeding in the postoperative period. With fractionation of 60 mg syringes, total drug cost to the pharmacy was Dollars 34,786, rather than the Dollars 86,639 that would have been spent had a single syringe been used for each dose. CONCLUSION: Ketorolac proved safe for short-term intravenous use in children more than 1 year of age when patients with known contraindications to the use of non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs were excluded. A considerable reduction in drug costs can be achieved with fractionation of premixed syringes into unit doses.
机译:目的:确定短期使用静脉注射酮咯酸对儿童的副作用发生率,以及单位剂量给药系统可节省的总成本。研究设计:我们前瞻性地研究了在3年,3个月的时间内向1747名儿童(14,810剂)静脉内注射酮咯酸引起的并发症的发生率,并评估了将60 mg注射器分为7.5、15、30和30毫克所节省的成本,以及60毫克单位剂量。将并发症前瞻性地记录到计算机数据库中。药房的估计药品成本是根据每种给药药物的总数计算的,允许因药品到期而造成10%的浪费。结果:酮咯酸给药引起的副作用很少。 4名患者(0.2%)对药物有过敏反应,其中2名可能是基于乳胶过敏。两名患者(O.1%)患有肾脏并发症,但随后发现其根本原因可解释其肾脏症状。术后有1例(0.05%)消化道大出血。对于60mg注射器的分馏,药房的总药品成本为34,786美元,而不是如果每个剂量使用一个注射器则要花费的86,639美元。结论:当排除已知有非甾体类抗炎药禁忌症的患者时,酮咯酸可用于1岁以上儿童的短期静脉内使用是安全的。通过将预混注射器分为单位剂量,可以大大降低药品成本。



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