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Conference scene: Summary of the 6th Conference of the Romanian Association of Medical Laboratories with international participation.


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The Romanian Association of Medical Laboratories (RAML) conferences have acquired a reputation for standing out as the most prominent and efficient meetings in the national community of laboratory medicine, being a landmark of the development in this field in Romania and an active affiliation to international forums. This year, the conference setting was Piatra Neamt, in the northeast part of Romania, which produced a friendly and stimulating professional environment. As in previous years, leading experts in the fields of laboratory medicine attended the event. This year, we enjoyed the opportunity to have such distinguished guests as the members of the executive board of International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (IFCC); Graham Beastall, IFCC President; Paivi Hannele Laitinen, IFCC secretary; and Grazyna Sypniewska, IFCC Communication and Publication Division, and editor of the electronic journal of the IFCC. As usual, the conference program included all aspects of clinical laboratory activity, with a special focus on technology development, instrumentation and laboratory management. Fully aware of the fact that the complexity and depth of laboratory practice have undergone an impressive and rapid evolution, the specific goals of the event were to increase knowledge in the fundamentals of new molecular investigation, areas which show the tendency to become routine in our daily activity. In addition, laboratory management and the place of medical laboratories in the process of translational medicine were subjects of focus. The 6th Conference of the Romanian Association of Medical Laboratories was held from Wednesday 1st to Saturday 4th of June 2011. A total of 273 participants from all local branches of the Association attended. The scientific program included seven plenary sessions where 22 lectures and 18 short communications were delivered, and three poster sessions with 44 poster presentations. Session topics covered issues of laboratory diagnostics in hematology, biochemistry, immunology, oncology, microbiology and metabolic diseases. A prominent consideration was given to value added to laboratory medicine in the frame of managed care and quality management. The Conference was accompanied by a laboratory equipment and reagents exhibition with the participation of nine companies, also sponsors of the conference. Three workshops pointed out the presence of the most well known of them: Abbott, Roche and Nobis.
机译:罗马尼亚医学实验室协会(RAML)会议以在全国实验室医学界最杰出,最高效的会议而脱颖而出而闻名,这是罗马尼亚该领域发展的里程碑,并积极参与国际论坛。今年的会议地点是罗马尼亚东北部的Piatra Neamt,营造了友好而刺激的专业环境。与往年一样,实验室医学领域的领先专家参加了此次活动。今年,我们很高兴有机会邀请国际临床化学和检验医学联合会(IFCC)执行委员会成员担任贵宾。 IFCC主席Graham Beastall; IFCC秘书Paivi Hannele Laitinen; IFCC传播和出版部的Grazyna Sypniewska,IFCC电子期刊的编辑。与往常一样,会议计划包括临床实验室活动的所有方面,特别侧重于技术开发,仪器和实验室管理。充分认识到实验室实践的复杂性和深度已经经历了令人印象深刻且快速的发展,这一活动的具体目标是增加对新分子研究基础知识的了解,这些领域显示出我们日常日常工作的趋势。活动。此外,实验室管理和医学实验室在转化医学过程中的位置也是关注的重点。罗马尼亚医学实验室协会第六届会议于2011年6月1日至4日举行。来自该协会所有地方分支机构的273名代表参加了会议。科学计划包括七次全体会议,其中进行了22堂讲座和18篇短文,以及三场海报会议,其中有44场海报演示。会议主题涵盖血液学,生物化学,免疫学,肿瘤学,微生物学和代谢性疾病的实验室诊断问题。在管理医疗和质量管理的框架内,对实验室医学的增值给予了重要考虑。会议期间还举行了实验室设备和试剂展览,有9家公司参加了展览,这些公司也是会议的赞助商。三个研讨会指出了其中最知名的研讨会:雅培,罗氏和诺比斯。



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