首页> 外文期刊>The island arc >Paleocene large-scale normal faulting along the Median Tectonic Line, western Shikoku, Japan

Paleocene large-scale normal faulting along the Median Tectonic Line, western Shikoku, Japan


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The Median Tectonic Line (MTL) in southwest Japan, a major east-west-trending are-parallel fault, has been defined as the boundary fault between the Cretaceous Sambagawa metamorphic rocks and Ryoke granitic and metamorphic rocks, which are unconformably covered by the Upper Cretaceous Izumi Group. The juxtaposition by faulting occurred after the deposition of the Izumi Group. Based on detailed fieldwork and previous studies, the authors reconstruct the kinematic history along the MTL during the Paleogene period, which has not been fully understood before. It is noted that although the strata of the Izumi Group along the MTL dip gently, east-west-trending north-vergent folds with the wavelength of similar to 300 m commonly develop up to 2 km north from the MTL. Along the MTL, a disturbed zone of the Izumi Group up to 400 m thick, defined by the development of boudinage structures with the transverse boudin axis dipping nearly parallel to the MTL, occurs. Furthermore, east-west-trending north-vergent folds with the wavelength of 1-5 m develop within the distance up to 60 m from the MTL. The disturbed zone with the map-scale north-vergent folds along the MTL, strongly suggests that they formed due to normal faulting with a top-to-the-north sense along the MTL. Considering that the normal faulting is associated with the final exhumation of the Sambagawa metamorphic rocks, and its juxtaposition against the Izumi Group at depth, this perhaps occurred before the denudation of the Sambagawa metamorphic rocks indicated by the deposition of the Lower Eocene Hiwada-toge Formation. Dynamic equilibrium between crustal thickening at depth (underplating) and extension at shallow level is a plausible explanation for the normal faulting because the are-normal extension suggests gravity as the driving force.
机译:日本西南部的构造中线(MTL)是东西向的主要平行断层,已被定义为白垩纪的桑巴川变质岩与Ryoke花岗岩和变质岩之间的边界断层,上界不整合地覆盖了该构造层。白垩纪泉组。断层的并置发生在泉组的沉积之后。基于详细的现场工作和先前的研究,作者重建了古近纪时期沿MTL的运动史,这在以前还没有被完全理解。值得注意的是,尽管沿MTL的Izumi组地层平缓倾斜,但从MTL向北2 km处通常会出现东西向的北向褶皱,其波长约为300 m。沿MTL发生了一个Imumi组的扰动带,该带的厚度最大为400 m,这是由伴生结构的发展所定义的,其横向Boudin轴几乎与MTL平行。此外,在距MTL最多60 m的范围内,出现了1-5 m波长的东西向北折褶。沿MTL具有地图比例北折褶皱的扰动带强烈表明,它们是由于MTL沿正常断层以自上而下的意义形成的。考虑到正常的断层与桑巴川变质岩的最终发掘有关,并且与深组泉水并列,这可能是在下始新世Hiwada-toge组沉积所指示的桑巴川变质岩剥蚀之前发生的。 。地壳深部增厚(底板)和浅层延伸之间的动态平衡是正常断层的合理解释,因为等距延伸表明重力是驱动力。



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