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HPLC-DAD analysis of hydrochlorothiazide and irbesartan in hypertensive patients on fixed-dose combination therapy


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Hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ) and the angiotensin II type 1 receptor antagonist (ARB) irbesartan (IRBE) are well-known antihypertensive drugs, frequently administered as a low-dose combination in a single pill. In this work, a simple, sensitive, and selective high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method with diode-array detection was developed for simultaneous determination of HCTZ and IRBE levels in the plasma of hypertensive patients given a fixed combination of 12.5 mg HCTZ and 300 mg IRBE. Compounds were extracted from acidified plasma samples with 3 mL ethyl acetate, and eluted at 6 and 19 min from a C_4 column by elution with an acetonitrile- phosphate buffer (pH 3.6) mobile-phase gradient at a flow rate of 1 mL min ~(-1). The assay was linear over the ranges 2.5-500 and 20-4,000 ng mL~(-1) for HCTZ and IRBE, respectively. Overall intra-assay and inter-assay variation were within acceptance limits. Limits of quantification were 2.5 and 20 ng mL~(-1) for HCTZ and IRBE, respectively. Plasma samples remained stable for 12 h at room temperature, through three thaw-freeze cycles, and for 2 and 7 months at -20 °C. In hypertensive patients, residual concentrations were 22.3 ± 6.0 and 241.8 ± 39.0 ng mL ~(-1) for HCTZ and IRBE, respectively. There was no interference from other co-administered drugs. Despite the different physicochemical properties of HCTZ and IRBE, our method enables accurate measurement of both drugs for assessment of compliance by patients treated by fixed-dose combination therapy with HCTZ-IRBE.
机译:氢氯噻嗪(HCTZ)和1型血管紧张素II受体拮抗剂(ARB)厄贝沙坦(IRBE)是众所周知的降压药,通常以低剂量组合形式在单个药丸中给药。在这项工作中,开发了一种简单,灵敏和选择性的高效液相色谱(HPLC)方法,采用二极管阵列检测技术,可同时测定12.5 mg HCTZ和HCTZ的固定剂量,同时测定高血压患者血浆中的HCTZ和IRBE水平。 300毫克IRBE。用3 mL乙酸乙酯从酸化的血浆样品中提取化合物,并在6和19分钟时通过用乙腈-磷酸盐缓冲液(pH 3.6)流动相梯度洗脱以1 mL min〜(C)从C_4柱洗脱。 -1)。 HCTZ和IRBE的测定分别在2.5-500和20-4,000 ng mL〜(-1)范围内呈线性。批内和批间的总体变化均在接受范围内。 HCTZ和IRBE的定量限分别为2.5和20 ng mL〜(-1)。血浆样品在室温下通过三个解冻-冷冻周期可保持稳定12小时,在-20°C下可保持2和7个月。高血压患者的HCTZ和IRBE的残留浓度分别为22.3±6.0和241.8±39.0 ng mL〜(-1)。没有其他共同给药药物的干扰。尽管HCTZ和IRBE的理化特性不同,但我们的方法仍能够对两种药物进行准确的测量,以评估采用HCTZ-IRBE进行固定剂量联合治疗的患者的依从性。



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