首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Nuclear Medicine >Effect of mental stress on myocardial blood flow and vasomotion in patients with coronary artery disease.

Effect of mental stress on myocardial blood flow and vasomotion in patients with coronary artery disease.


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In patients with coronary artery disease (CAD), mental stress may provoke ischemic electrocardiograph changes and abnormalities in regional and global left ventricular function. However, little is known about the underlying myocardial blood flow response (MBF) in these patients. METHODS: We investigated the hemodynamic, neurohumoral, and myocardial blood flow responses to mental stress in 17 patients with CAD and 17 healthy volunteers of similar age. Mental stress was induced by asking individuals to solve mathematic subtractions in a progressively challenging sequence; MBF was quantified at rest and during mental stress using 13N ammonia PET. RESULTS: Mental stress induced significant (P < 0.01) and comparable increases in rate-pressure product, measured in beats per minute x mm Hg, in both patients (from 7826 +/- 2006 to 10586 +/- 2800) and healthy volunteers (from 8227 +/- 1272 to 10618 +/- 2468). Comparable increases also occurred in serum epinephrine (58% in patients versus 52% in healthy volunteers) and norepinephrine (22% in patients versus 27% in healthy volunteers). Although MBF increased in patients (from 0.67 +/- 0.15 to 0.77 +/- 0.18 mL/min/g, P < 0.05) and healthy volunteers (from 0.73 +/- 0.13 to 0.95 +/- 0.22 mL/min/g, P < 0.001), the magnitude of flow increase was smaller in patients (14% +/- 17%) than in healthy volunteers (29% +/- 14%) (P = 0.01). The increase in MBF during mental stress correlated significantly with changes in cardiac work in healthy volunteers (r = 0.77; P < 0.001) but not in patients. CONCLUSION: Despite similar increases in cardiac work and comparable sympathetic stimulation in CAD patients and healthy volunteers, CAD patients exhibit an attenuated blood flow response to mental stress that may contribute to mental stress-induced ischemic episodes in daily life.
机译:在患有冠状动脉疾病(CAD)的患者中,精神压力可能会激发缺血性心电图仪的变化以及区域和整体左心室功能的异常。但是,对于这些患者的潜在心肌血流反应(MBF)知之甚少。方法:我们调查了17名CAD患者和17名年龄相似的健康志愿者对精神压力的血流动力学,神经体液和心肌血流反应。心理压力是通过要求个人以逐步挑战性的顺序解决数学减法而引起的。使用13N氨PET对MBF的静息和精神压力进行定量。结果:患者和健康志愿者(从7826 +/- 2006到10586 +/- 2800)(每分钟心搏数/毫米汞柱,以每分钟搏动数x毫米汞柱测量)引起的精神压力显着(P <0.01)且可比幅度增加。从8227 +/- 1272到10618 +/- 2468)。血清肾上腺素(患者为58%,健康志愿者为52%)和去甲肾上腺素(患者为22%,健康志愿者为27%)也有相当的增加。尽管患者的MBF(从0.67 +/- 0.15增至0.77 +/- 0.18 mL / min / g,P <0.05)和健康志愿者(从0.73 +/- 0.13增至0.95 +/- 0.22 mL / min / g, P <0.001),患者的血流增加幅度(14%+/- 17%)小于健康志愿者(29%+/- 14%)(P = 0.01)。精神压力期间MBF的增加与健康志愿者的心脏工作变化显着相关(r = 0.77; P <0.001),而患者则没有。结论:尽管在冠心病患者和健康志愿者中心脏工作量增加了类似的交感神经,但冠心病患者对精神压力的血流反应减弱,这可能会导致精神压力在日常生活中引起缺血性发作。



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