首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Nuclear Medicine >An SPM8-based approach for attenuation correction combining segmentation and nonrigid template formation: Application to simultaneous PET/MR Brain Imaging

An SPM8-based approach for attenuation correction combining segmentation and nonrigid template formation: Application to simultaneous PET/MR Brain Imaging

机译:基于SPM8的衰减校正方法,结合了分段和非刚性模板形成:在同步PET / MR脑成像中的应用

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We present an approach for head MR-based attenuation correction (AC) based on the Statistical Parametric Mapping 8 (SPM8) software, which combines segmentation- and atlas-based features to provide a robust technique to generate attenuation maps (μ maps) from MR data in integrated PET/MR scanners. Methods: Coregistered anatomic MR and CT images of 15 glioblastoma subjects were used to generate the templates. The MR images from these subjects were first segmented into 6 tissue classes (gray matter, white matter, cerebrospinal fluid, bone, soft tissue, and air), which were then nonrigidly coregistered using a diffeomorphic approach. A similar procedure was used to coregister the anatomic MR data for a new subject to the template. Finally, the CT-like images obtained by applying the inverse transformations were converted to linear attenuation coefficients to be used for AC of PET data. The method was validated on 16 new subjects with brain tumors (n 5 12) or mild cognitive impairment (n 5 4) who underwent CT and PET/MR scans. The μ maps and corresponding reconstructed PET images were compared with those obtained using the gold standard CT-based approach and the Dixon-based method available on the Biograph mMR scanner. Relative change (RC) images were generated in each case, and voxel- and regionof- interest-based analyses were performed. Results: The leaveone- out cross-validation analysis of the data from the 15 atlasgeneration subjects showed small errors in brain linear attenuation coefficients (RC, 1.38% ± 4.52%) compared with the gold standard. Similar results (RC, 1.86% ± 4.06%) were obtained from the analysis of the atlas-validation datasets. The voxel- and region-of-interest- based analysis of the corresponding reconstructed PET images revealed quantification errors of 3.87% ± 5.0% and 2.74% ± 2.28%, respectively. The Dixon-based method performed substantially worse (the mean RC values were 13.0% ± 10.25% and 9.38% ± 4.97%, respectively). Areas closer to the skull showed the largest improvement. Conclusion: We have presented an SPM8-based approach for deriving the head μ map from MR data to be used for PET AC in integrated PET/MR scanners. Its implementation is straightforward and requires only the morphologic data acquired with a single MR sequence. The method is accurate and robust, combining the strengths of both segmentation- and atlas-based approaches while minimizing their drawbacks.
机译:我们提出了一种基于统计参数映射8(SPM8)软件的基于头MR的衰减校正(AC)方法,该方法结合了基于分段和基于图集的功能,从而提供了一种从MR生成衰减图(μ图)的强大技术。集成在PET / MR扫描仪中的数据。方法:使用15位胶质母细胞瘤受试者的配准解剖MR和CT图像生成模板。这些受试者的MR图像首先被分为6个组织类别(灰质,白质,脑脊髓液,骨骼,软组织和空气),然后使用变型方法对其进行非刚性配准。使用类似的程序将新受试者的解剖MR数据共同注册到模板。最后,将通过应用逆变换获得的类CT图像转换为线性衰减系数,以用于PET数据的交流。该方法已在接受CT和PET / MR扫描的16名患有脑肿瘤(n 5 12)或轻度认知障碍(n 5 4)的新受试者中得到验证。将μ图和相应的重建PET图像与使用Biograph mMR扫描仪上的基于金标准CT的方法和基于Dixon的方法获得的图像进行比较。在每种情况下均生成相对变化(RC)图像,并进行了基于体素和感兴趣区域的分析。结果:对15位图集生成受试者的数据进行了无遗忘的交叉验证分析,与金标准相比,大脑线性衰减系数(RC,1.38%±4.52%)的误差很小。从地图集验证数据集的分析中获得了相似的结果(RC,1.86%±4.06%)。对相应的重建PET图像进行的基于体素和感兴趣区域的分析显示,量化误差分别为3.87%±5.0%和2.74%±2.28%。基于Dixon的方法的性能要差得多(平均RC值分别为13.0%±10.25%和9.38%±4.97%)。靠近头骨的区域显示出最大的改善。结论:我们提出了一种基于SPM8的方法,用于从MR数据中提取头部μ图,以用于集成式PET / MR扫描仪中的PET AC。它的实现非常简单,只需要一个MR序列即可获取形态学数据。该方法准确可靠,结合了基于分割和基于图集的方法的优点,同时最大程度地减少了它们的缺点。



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