首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Infectious Diseases >The impact of conjugate vaccine on carriage of Haemophilus influenzae type b.

The impact of conjugate vaccine on carriage of Haemophilus influenzae type b.


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Conjugate vaccines against Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) may modify Hib pharyngeal colonization. Hib colonization was compared in 371 infants and their families. In Oxfordshire, infants received PRP-T (polyribosylribitol phosphate conjugated to tetanus toxoid) and in Buckinghamshire they did not (controls). Infants were followed at 6, 9, and 12 months of age. Also, 6 unvaccinated Hib carriers were vaccinated and followed for 6 weeks. Hib acquisition was lower in vaccinees than controls (P < .01). During surveillance, 1.5% of vaccinees and 6.3% of controls carried Hib (P = .04). Among those with family Hib exposure, the carriage rates were 8.7% and 38.5% (P = .07), respectively. Hiv carriage rates were lower among vaccinees' unvaccinated siblings. Giving conjugate vaccine to a child carrying Hib did not rapidly terminate carriage. Thus, a primary means by which herd immunity to Hib is induced in a vaccinated population may be through reduction or delay in the initial acquisition of Hib.
机译:针对b型流感嗜血杆菌的结合疫苗可能会改变Hib咽部定植。比较了371名婴儿及其家人的Hib定植情况。在牛津郡,婴儿接受PRP-T(与破伤风类毒素缀合的聚核糖核苷磷酸),而在白金汉郡,婴儿则不接受(对照)。在6、9和12个月大时对婴儿进行了追踪。另外,对6只未接种的Hib携带者进行了接种,并随访了6周。疫苗接种者的Hib采集率低于对照组(P <.01)。在监测过程中,有1.5%的疫苗接种者和6.3%的对照携带了Hib(P = .04)。在那些有家庭Hib暴露的人群中,携带率分别为8.7%和38.5%(P = .07)。疫苗接种者未接种疫苗的兄弟姐妹的艾滋病毒携带率较低。给携带Hib的儿童接种结合疫苗并没有迅速终止运输。因此,在疫苗接种的人群中诱导对Hib的牛群免疫的主要手段可能是通过减少或延迟Hib的初始获取。



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