首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Immunology: Official Journal of the American Association of Immunologists >A Redundant Role of the CD3#gamma#-Immunoreceptor Tyrosine-Based Activation Motif in Matue T Cell Function

A Redundant Role of the CD3#gamma#-Immunoreceptor Tyrosine-Based Activation Motif in Matue T Cell Function

机译:CD3#gamma#-免疫受体基于酪氨酸的活化基序在matue T细胞功能中的冗余作用

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At least four different CD3 polypeptide chains are contained within the mature TCR complex, each encompassing one (CD3'Y CD36, and CD3E) or three (CD3#zeta#) immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motifs (ITAMs) within their cytoplasmic domains Why so many ITAMs are required is unresolved: it has been speculated that the different ITAMs function in signal specification but they may also serve in signal amplification. Because the CD31; chains do not contribute unique signaling functions to the TCR and because the IT AMs of the CD3-1'6E module alone can endow the TCR with normal signaling capacity, it thus become! important to examine how the CD31'-, 6-, and E-ITAMs regulate TCR signaling. We here report on the role of the CD31' chaill and the CD31'-ITAM in peripheral T cell activation and differentiation to effector function. All T cell responses were reduced 01 abrogated in T cells derived from CD31' nulI-mutant mice, probably because of decreased expression levels of the mature TCR complex lacking CD31'. Consistent with this explanation, T cell responses proceed undisturbed in the absence of afunctional CD31'-ITAM. Loss of integrity of the CD31'-ITAM only slightly impaired the regulation of expression of activation markers, suggesting a quantitative contribution of the CD31'-IT AM in this process. Nevertheless, the induction of an in vivo T cell responsf in influenza A virus-infected CD31'-ITAM-deficient mice proceeds normally. Therefore, if ITAMs can function in signal specifi- cation, it is likely that either the CD36 and/or the CD3E chains endow the TCR with qualitatively unique signaling functions. The Journal ~f ImmunoloJ!V. 2001. 166: 2576-2588.
机译:成熟的TCR复合物中至少包含4条不同的CD3多肽链,每个链在其胞质结构域中包含一个(CD3'Y CD36和CD3E)或三个(CD3#zeta#)基于酪氨酸的免疫受体激活基序(ITAM)。许多ITAM需要解决的问题尚未解决:据推测,不同的ITAM在信号规范中起作用,但它们也可能在信号放大中起作用。因为是CD31;链不会为TCR贡献独特的信令功能,并且由于CD3-1'6E模块的IT AM本身就可以赋予TCR正常的信令能力,因此它成为了!检查CD31',6-和E-ITAM如何调节TCR信号传导非常重要。我们在这里报告了CD31'Chaill和CD31'-ITAM在外周T细胞活化和分化为效应子功能中的作用。在源自CD31'nulI突变型小鼠的T细胞中,所有T细胞应答均被01消除,这可能是由于缺乏CD31'的成熟TCR复合体的表达水平下降所致。与该解释一致,在不存在功能性CD31'-ITAM的情况下,T细胞反应不受干扰。 CD31'-ITAM完整性的丧失仅稍微削弱了激活标记表达的调节,表明CD31'-IT AM在此过程中的定量作用。但是,在甲型流感病毒感染的CD31'-ITAM缺陷型小鼠中,体内T细胞应答的诱导正常进行。因此,如果ITAM可以在信号规范中起作用,则CD36和/或CD3E链很可能赋予TCR定性独特的信号功能。 〜免疫杂志! 2001.166:2576-2588。


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