首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of hospital infection >Impact of environmental decontamination using hydrogen peroxide vapour on the incidence of Clostridium difficile infection in one hospital Trust.

Impact of environmental decontamination using hydrogen peroxide vapour on the incidence of Clostridium difficile infection in one hospital Trust.


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Recent evidence from the USA suggests that hydrogen peroxide vapour (HPV) decontamination of rooms used to treat patients with Clostridium difficile reduces the incidence of C. difficile infection (CDI).1'2 No published data are available from the UK regarding the clinical impact of HPV. HPV was implemented for several months in 2008 at a number of National Health Service (NHS) Trusts, as part of the Department of Health Showcase Hospitals Project (SHP). This letter reports some interesting findings relating to the deployment at one of these hospital TrustsHPV has been demonstrated to have in vitro efficacy against various nosocomial pathogens including C. difficile spores.3 The technology has been shown to eradicate C. difficile from environmental surfaces and reduce the incidence of CDI in a US hospital.2 In 2008 the Department of Health introduced the Showcase Hospital Project (SHP) to assess the feasibility of implementing various technologies that have shown potential for the reduction of healthcare-associated infections.4 Technologies which achieved 'Recommendation 1' from the Rapid Review Panel ('basic research and development, validation and in-use evaluations have shown benefits that should be available to the NHS bodies') were placed into seven hospitals around the UK for a period of up to six months. The Bioquell HPV system was implemented at Southampton University Hospitals NHS Trust from August to December 2008 as part of the SHP.
机译:美国的最新证据表明,用于治疗艰难梭菌患者的房间的过氧化氢蒸气(HPV)消毒降低了艰难梭菌感染(CDI)的发生率。1'2英国尚无有关临床影响的公开数据HPV。 HPV已于2008年在卫生部展示医院项目(SHP)的一部分国家卫生服务(NHS)信托基金中实施了几个月。这封信报道了一些有趣的发现,这些发现与在其中一家医院中的部署有关。TrustsHPV已被证明对包括艰难梭菌孢子在内的多种医院病原体具有体外功效。3该技术已证明可从环境表面根除艰难梭菌并减少2美国卫生部在2008年推出了Showcase Hospital Project(SHP),以评估实施各种技术的可行性,这些技术已显示出减少与医疗相关的感染的潜力。4快速审查小组的建议1(“基本研究,开发,验证和使用中的评估表明,NHS机构应享有的好处”)被放置在英国各地的7家医院中,为期六个月。作为SHP的一部分,南安普顿大学医院NHS Trust于2008年8月至12月实施了Bioquell HPV系统。



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