首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology >The effect of covering compost with paper on yield of the cultivated mushroom Agaricus bisporus (Lange) Imbach

The effect of covering compost with paper on yield of the cultivated mushroom Agaricus bisporus (Lange) Imbach


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In a tray-based mushroom crop, horse and chicken manure-based compost was covered with paper prior to pasteurization (filling), at spawning or at both of these times and the crop performance from these trays compared with an uncovered control. Over the 37 d cropping period a number of effects were apparent. The spawning and double cover treatments significantly delayed cropping. There was an increase in mushroom yield that was in proportion to the length of time the paper covers were on the compost. Consequently, there was an increase in overall crop value. It is suggested that these effects were due to a reduction in compost moisture loss, although elevated CO_2 may have contributed to the observed increases in yield.
机译:在基于盘的蘑菇作物中,在巴氏杀菌(填充)之前,产卵时或在这两个时间,都用纸和马和鸡粪堆肥覆盖,与未覆盖的对照相比,这些盘的农作物生长性能。在37 d的种植期中,许多影响是显而易见的。产卵和双重覆盖处理大大延迟了播种时间。蘑菇产量的增加与覆盖纸堆肥的时间长短成正比。因此,总作物价值增加了​​。提示这些影响是由于堆肥水分流失的减少所致,尽管升高的CO_2可能有助于观察到的产量增加。



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