首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Comparative Neurology >Mapping of 5-HT2A receptors and their mRNA in monkey brain: (3H)MDL100,907 autoradiography and in situ hybridization studies.

Mapping of 5-HT2A receptors and their mRNA in monkey brain: (3H)MDL100,907 autoradiography and in situ hybridization studies.


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The anatomic distribution of serotonin 5-HT2A receptors visualized with [3H]MDL100,907 and of their mRNA detected by in situ hybridization were studied in monkey brain. Both autoradiographic patterns of signal showed heterogeneous distributions and were in general in good agreement in the majority of brain regions. In most neocortical areas, [3H]MDL100,907 presented a four-banded pattern with layers I and III-IV more intensely labeled and layers II and V-VI showing weaker labeling. 5-HT2A receptor mRNA was detected in layers III and IV, and in some cases also in layers II and V. In intra- and extra-calcarine areas of striate cortex a five-banded pattern was distinguished, with layers III and IVc-V showing the highest densities of [3H]MDL100,907 labeling. These two areas showed the highest neocortical hybridization signal. An unexpected finding was the presence of low densities of [3H]MDL100,907 labeling and 5-HT2A receptor mRNA in choroid plexus. Comparison of the distribution of [3H]MDL100,907 and [3H]ketanserin binding sites in monkey brain regions with high nonspecific [3H]ketanserin binding (caudate, putamen, substantia nigra, inferior olive) revealed specific binding of [3H]MDL100,907 with very low nonspecific binding. Some differences were noted between the distribution of [3H]MDL100,907-labeled 5-HT2A receptors in monkey brain and the previously reported distribution of these receptors in human brain: absence of striosome labeling in monkey striatum and different patterns of neocortical labeling. The present results provide the first detailed comparison of 5-HT2A receptor and mRNA distribution in primate brain. The observed species differences in 5-HT2A receptor distribution should be considered when extrapolating results among different species.
机译:在猴脑中研究了用[3H] MDL100,907观察到的5-羟色胺5-HT2A受体的解剖分布及其通过原位杂交检测的mRNA。两种信号的放射自显影模式均显示出不均匀的分布,并且在大多数大脑区域中总体上吻合良好。在大多数新皮层区域,[3H] MDL100,907呈现四带状图案,其中I和III-IV层标记更浓,II和V-VI层标记较弱。在III和IV层中检测到5-HT2A受体mRNA,在某些情况下在II和V层中也检测到5-HT2A受体mRNA。在纹状皮质的钙内和钙calc碱区域内和外,区分了五带模式,其中III和IVc-V显示[3H] MDL100,907标记的最高密度。这两个区域显示出最高的新皮层杂交信号。出乎意料的发现是脉络丛中存在低密度的[3H] MDL100,907标记和5-HT2A受体mRNA。比较[3H] MDL100,907和[3H] ketanserin结合位点在具有高非特异性[3H] ketanserin结合(尾状,壳状核,黑质,下橄榄色)的猴脑区域中的分布,发现了[3H] MDL100的特异性结合, 907具有非常低的非特异性结合。猴子脑中[3H] MDL100,907标记的5-HT2A受体的分布与人脑中先前报道的这些受体的分布之间存在一些差异:猴子纹状体中没有核糖体标记和新皮质标记的不同模式。本结果首次提供了灵长类动物大脑中5-HT2A受体和mRNA分布的详细比较。外推不同物种间的结果时,应考虑观察到的5-HT2A受体分布的物种差异。



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