首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology >Effect of cold storage on sensitivity of cut lily to ethylene

Effect of cold storage on sensitivity of cut lily to ethylene


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The effects of exogenous ethylene on the flower quality and the influence of cold storage on the ethylene sensitivity of cut Asiatic hybrid lilies 'Brussels' were investigated. Treatment of freshly-harvested cut lilies with 4 X 10~(-3) mol l~(-1) ethephon increased the percentage of flower abscission and bud abortion, but reduced flowering percentage and flower diameter, Pretreatment with 2 X 10~(-3) mol l~(-1) STS prior to ethephon exposure completely reversed the effect of 4 X 10~(-3) mol l~(-1) ethephon on flower abscission percentage, bud abortion percentage, flowering percentage, floral diameter, vase life and floral longevity. Data thus indicated that freshly-harvested cut 'Brussels' lilies were sensitive to ethylene. In comparison, application of 4 X 10~(-3) mol l~(-1) ethephon to cold-stored cut lilies did not induce flower abscission or bud abortion. Nor did this treatment influence flowering percentage, flower diameter and floral longevity. Pretreating cold-stored stems with 2 X 10~(-3) mol l~(-1) STS before ethephon application had the same effect as ethephon exposure alone on flower abscission percentage, bud abortion percentage, flowering percentage, floral diameter and floral longevity. These results demonstrated that ethylene sensitivity of cut 'Brussels' lilies decreased following cold storage. However, ethephon application hastened cold-stored cut 'Brussels' lilies to open 2.2 d earlier and vase life was shortened by about 1.8 d.
机译:研究了外源乙烯对切花亚洲杂种百合'Brussels'的花朵质量的影响以及冷藏对乙烯敏感性的影响。用4 X 10〜(-3)mol l〜(-1)乙烯利处理新鲜采摘的百合,增加了脱落和芽流产的百分率,但降低了开花百分率和花径,用2 X 10〜(- 3)乙烯利暴露前mol l〜(-1)STS完全逆转了4 X 10〜(-3)mol l〜(-1)乙烯利对花朵脱落率,芽流产率,开花率,花直径的影响,花瓶寿命和花卉寿命。因此数据表明,刚收获的切好的“布鲁塞尔”百合对乙烯敏感。相比之下,将4 X 10〜(-3)mol l〜(-1)乙烯利施用到冷切百合上不会引起花脱落或芽流产。该处理也不影响开花率,花直径和花寿命。施用乙烯利前用2 X 10〜(-3)mol l〜(-1)STS预处理冷藏茎与单独使用乙烯利对花的脱落率,芽流产率,开花率,花直径和花寿命有相同的影响。这些结果表明,冷藏后,切花“布鲁塞尔”百合的乙烯敏感性降低。然而,乙烯利的施用加快了冷切的“布鲁塞尔”百合的开放时间,使其提前了2.2天,花瓶寿命缩短了约1.8天。



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