首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology >Growth and uptake of sucrose and mineral ions by bulblets of Lilium Oriental Hybrid 'Casablanca' during bioreactor culture

Growth and uptake of sucrose and mineral ions by bulblets of Lilium Oriental Hybrid 'Casablanca' during bioreactor culture


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The growth and changes in concentration of major nutrients and sugars in the media were investigated in Lilium bulblets cultured in vitro using a novel type bioreactor (Balloon Type Bubble Bioreactor) system. Bulblets of Lilium Oriental Hybrid 'Casablana' grew faster when the medium was exchanged frequently with new medium in a Balloon Type Bubble Bioreactor (Immerson type). More bulblets over 2.1 g were produced when the medium was replaced with new medium after 2, 6 and 12 weeks of bioreactor culture as compared with cultures where fresh medium was added every 2, 6 and 12 weeks. Uptake of sugar and other minerals indicate that for optimal bulblet growth, high sucrose levels are necessary. However in the addition method, it was not possible to maintain high sucrose level by adding fresh medium every 2, 6 and 12 weeks. Although high sucrose levels could be maintained by the exchange method, the sucrose supplied was rapidly hydrolysed into glucose and fructose when the medium was replaced with newmedium every 2, 6 and 12 weeks of bioreactor culture. Mineral absorption also displayed variation, both in quantity and selectivity of the inorganic nutrients supplied. During the growth of bulblets, fast exhaustion of NH_4~+, NO_3~-, SO_4~(2-) and H_2PO_4~- occurred, whereas consumption of K~+, Mg~(2+), Ca~(2+), Na~+ and Cl~- is very slow. There is also a rapid fall in the pH of the medium following the addition of, or exchange with, fresh medium during bulblet growth. The change in pH may be attributed to the differential uptake or excretion of NO_3~-, and/or NH_4~+ ions.
机译:使用新型生物反应器(气球型气泡生物反应器)系统在体外培养的百合鳞茎中研究了培养基中主要营养素和糖的生长和浓度变化。当在气球型气泡生物反应器(艾默森型)中频繁地更换新培养基时,东方百合杂交种“卡萨布兰纳”的球茎生长更快。与每2、6和12周添加新鲜培养基的培养相比,当在生物反应器培养2、6和12周后用新培养基替换培养基时,会产生超过2.1 g的小球。糖和其他矿物质的摄取表明,要使小鳞茎最佳生长,必须有高蔗糖水平。然而,在添加方法中,不可能通过每2、6和12周添加新鲜培养基来维持高蔗糖水平。尽管可以通过交换法维持高蔗糖水平,但是每隔2、6和12周的生物反应器培养液用新培养基更换培养基时,所提供的蔗糖会迅速水解为葡萄糖和果糖。矿物质吸收也显示出所供应的无机养分的数量和选择性的变化。在鳞茎的生长过程中,NH_4〜+,NO_3〜-,SO_4〜(2-)和H_2PO_4〜-快速耗尽,而K〜+,Mg〜(2 +),Ca〜(2+), Na〜+和Cl〜-非常慢。在小球生长过程中添加新鲜的培养基或与之交换后,培养基的pH值也会迅速下降。 pH的变化可能归因于NO_3〜-和/或NH_4〜+离子的不同吸收或排泄。



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