首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology >Chemical composition and in vitro propagation of Agave salmiana 'Gentry'.

Chemical composition and in vitro propagation of Agave salmiana 'Gentry'.


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Maguey cv. 'Manso' (Agave salmiana 'Gentry') is the source of 'aguamiel' (honey water) for human consumption as a natural fortifying beverage, and of leaves for forage. Levels of iron and zinc in aguamiel are sufficient to satisfy daily human requirements, provided people consume approx. 850 ml aguamiel d-1. A. salmiana leaves can be used as a forage supplement to cover the requirements of cattle for minerals such as calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron and copper. Protein expression in honey water was analysed and a protein of approx. 16 kDa was obtained. According to their chemical composition, Agave leaves have high nutritional value as forage. A culture of A. salmiana 'Gentry' was initiated from stem explants on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with indoleacetic acid (IAA) and different concentrations of 6-benzyladenine (BA). Optimum numbers of shoots (20.3+or-3.2) per explant were obtained with 2.0 mg l-1 BA plus 0.25 mg l-1 IAA. For rooting, shoots were cultivated on MS medium supplemented with different levels of IAA (0-1.0 mg l-1). The highest number of roots (4.0+or-0.5) and the longest roots (16.6+or-7.6 cm) were obtained with 0.2 mg l-1 IAA. All rooted plants were successfully adapted to field conditions. Regenerated plants were morphologically similar to field-grown mother plants..
机译:Maguey简历。 'Manso'(龙舌兰salmiana'Gentry')是人类食用的'aguamiel'(蜂蜜水)的天然强化饮料,也有作为饲料的叶子。如果人们食用大约10毫克的金银,则其番石榴中的铁和锌含量足以满足人类的日常需求。 850毫升aguamiel d-1。鼠尾草叶可以用作草料的补充,以满足牛对钙,镁,锌,铁和铜等矿物质的需求。分析了蜂蜜水中的蛋白质表达,并得到了约3的蛋白质。获得16kDa。根据龙舌兰的化学成分,它们具有很高的营养价值,如草料。在补充了吲哚乙酸(IAA)和不同浓度的6-苄基腺嘌呤(BA)的Murashige和Skoog(MS)培养基上,从茎外植体开始培养沙门氏菌'Gentry'。用2.0 mg -1 BA和0.25 mg 1-1 IAA可获得最佳的外植芽数(20.3+或-3.2)。为了生根,将芽在补充有不同水平的IAA(0-1.0mg l-1)的MS培养基上培养。用0.2mg 1-1 IAA获得最大根数(4.0+或-0.5)和最长根(16.6+或-7.6cm)。所有生根的植物均已成功适应田间条件。再生植物在形态上与田间生长的母本植物相似。



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